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. MagiColor 2200 DeskLaser , . . MagiColor 2200 Desklaser , 4. MagiColor 2200 DeskLaser Windows, , Windows 95/98/Me, NT 4.0 Windows 2000. MagiColor 2200 DeskLaser LPT , Ethernet 10/100BaseTX. MagiColor 2200 DeskLaser , ICC AIC ( ). , AIC . 1499$ . : 5 4- / 20 1200600 dpi . 500+ 150 + 250 4 210 x 297 mm 32 96 GDI Windows 10/100BaseTX Ethernet, Parallel MagiColor 2200 DeskLaser . , MagiColor 2200 Desklaser. 5-bin mailbox unit 5 . . . . 500-Sheet Lower feeder 500 . . Automatic Duplexer 4 . . Memory extension . 64 Mb . . Extended Warranty 1 . . . Scanner Copier SC-215 . 25 . DeskLaser. , Magicolor 2200 DeskLaser, , Windows. , , . DeskLaser, . DeskLaser Crown . . , PCL . . Magicolor 2200 DeskLaser, , , . DeskLaser PC, . , , PCL PostScript. , , . , Microsoft

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