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Now downloading free:CANON gpgen-05

CANON gpgen-05 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:gpgen-05 🔎 gpgen05
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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 605 ServBull Jp_gen gpgen-05.pdf
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
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Canon SERVICE BULLETIN COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. No.: GP-GEN-005 Model: GP55-30/GP200/GP215 (97QAB-0030) DATE: 30.01.98 SUBJECT: Windows3.1 Post Script Printer Driver v2.1 1. Outline GP55-30/GP200/GP215 Windows3.1 Post Script Printer Driver v2.1 (GP Windows3.1 PS Driver v2.1) was released in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. 2. Details Here are the modifications in the GP Windows3.1 PS Driver v2.1 as compared with v2.01. 1) Support for the Network Interface Board-E2e/E3e 2) For GP55-30 series, 10+2 bin sorter can be configured using Auto Configuration 3) Support of a function "Multi Size/Orientation Job" 4) Support of a function "Additional Paper Source" This function allows you to define a different source (such as a Cassette or Paper Deck) for the first page of a printed document. This feature is useful when you have preprinted stationery (such as a letterhead) that you want to use for the first page of a document, while using plain paper for the remaining pages of the document. 3. Remaining Problems and Restrictions 1) The last settings used in Word are the default settings used in Excel 5.0a [Problem] GPPostW31V2.1Mu#012 If working within a Word Document and then closing the application to work in Excel. The last options are defaulted into the Excel driver settings. For example the last Word document was set for 3 copies, then the application default setting would be set at 3 copies. Changing the settings within the driver does not change the settings, and always defaults back to the settings last used in Word. [Cause and Countermeasure] The countermeasure is to manually clarify the driver settings before printing. 2) Will not duplex in Excel 5.0a [Problem] GPPostW31V2.1Mu#014 When printing from Excel although the options for duplexing are available they do not activate when selected. A three page document was printed with duplex set to short edge binding, and the output was 3 separate pages. [Cause and Countermeasure] Limitation. -1/3- GP-GEN-005 3) Will not print from the Paper Deck with Excel 5.0a [Problem] GPPostW31V2.1Mu#015 When selecting paper source to paper deck, the paper is selected from the Auto tray which was tray 1. This does not occur if using Word. [Cause and Countermeasure] Limitation. 4) Will not print multiple copies on first at

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