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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 5K1000 datasheet

IBM Deskstar 5K1000 datasheet free download

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DeskstarTM 5K1000 3.5-INCH HARD DISK DRIVES Energy-efficient, cool, quiet PC storage Highlights Features and Benefits > Up to 1TB1 capacity Feature / Function Benefits > CoolSpinTM technology > Up to 25% power savings over 7K1000.C Capacity Up to 1TB of storage, * Up to 250 hours of high-definition video, 500GB models available 1000 hours of standard video, 350 movies, > Best-in-class power utilization and 250,000 4-min songs or 500 video games heat emission > Quiet acoustics Power Advanced Power Management Reduces power during idle periods > Built on award-winning proven design HiVERTTM technology Best-of-breed power efficiency Applications CoolSpinTM motor design Requires low peak power enabling more > Personal storage cost-effective and cooler power supplies > Environmentally friendly computers Acoustics Excellent acoustics Ultra quiet operation > Home and small office storage appliances Reliability Thermal Fly-height Control (TFC) Better soft error rate for improved reliability and performance Head load/unload ramp Protects disk during non-operation SMART Command Transport (SCT) Adaptive error correction ECC and CRC protection Data integrity enhanced through circuits Internal thermal sensor Improves data integrity *Actual storage may vary depending on the compression rate applied. Capacities represented may not be combined. CoolSpin design for desktop computers The DeskstarTM 5K

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