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LG W3000 8 free download

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13. EXPLODED VIEW & REPLACEMENT PART LIST 13.3 Replacement Part List < Mechanic components & Main PCB> Level Location No. Description Part No. QTY Specification Color SVC Remark 2 APEY00 PHONE APEY0053901 1 WHITE N 2 APEY00 PHONE APEY0053902 1 BLUE N 2 APEY00 PHONE APEY0053903 1 RED N 3 ABGA00 BUTTON ASSY,DIAL ABGA0000601 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M14 3 ACGK00 COVER ASSY,FRONT ACGK0017501 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' WHITE Y M5 3 ACGK00 COVER ASSY,FRONT ACGK0017502 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' BLUE Y M5 3 ACGK00 COVER ASSY,FRONT ACGK0017503 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' RED Y M5 4 MCJK00 COVER,FRONT MCJK0011001 1 WHITE N 4 MCJK00 COVER,FRONT MCJK0011002 1 BLUE N 4 MCJK00 COVER,FRONT MCJK0011003 1 RED N 4 MDAA00 DECO,BUTTON MDAA0001101 1 N 4 MDAG00 DECO,FRONT MDAG0001901 1 N 4 MPBG00 PAD,LCD MPBG0007601 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M4 4 MTAD00 TAPE,WINDOW MTAD0008701 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M3 3 ACGL00 COVER ASSY,GUIDE ACGL0000101 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M11 4 MCJL00 COVER,GUIDE MCJL0000701 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M10 4 MPBH00 PAD,MIKE MPBH0002201 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M9 4 MPBM00 PAD,RECEIVER MPBM0001901 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M8 3 ACGM00 COVER ASSY,REAR ACGM0014701 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M27 4 MCCC00 CAP,EARPHONE JACK MCCC0005801 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M22 4 MCJN00 COVER,REAR MCJN0008401 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M26 4 MLEA00 LOCKER,BATTERY MLEA0006401 1 Please refer to `Exploded View' Y M25 4 MSDB00 SPRING,COIL

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