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Now downloading free:Samsung SGH-Z400 service manual

Samsung SGH-Z400 service manual free download

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File name:Samsung SGH-Z400 service manual.pdf
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Descr: Samsung GSM Samsung SGH-Z400 service manual.pdf
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File name Samsung SGH-Z400 service manual.pdf

UMTS TELEPHONE SGH-Z400 UMTS TELEPHONE CONTENTS 1. Safety Precautions 2. Specification 3. Product Function 4. Array course control 5. Exploded View and Parts List 6. MAIN Electrical Parts List 7. Block Diagrams 8. PCB Diagrams 9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 10. Reference data 11. Disassembly and Assembly Instructions 1. Safety Precautions 1-1. Repair Precaution...1-1 1-2. ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices) Precaution...1-2 2. Specification 2-1. GSM General Specification...2-1 2-2. GSM Tx Power Class...2-2 3. Product Function 4. Array course control 4-1. Downloading Binary Files...4-2 4-2. Pre-requsite for Downloading...4-2 4-3. S/W Downloader Program...4-3 5. Exploded View and Parts List 5-1. Cellular phone Exploded View...5-1 5-2. Cellular phone Parts list...5-2 6. MAIN Electrical Parts List 7. Block Diagrams 7-1. RF Solution Block Diagram...7-1 7-2. Logic Block Diagram...7-2 8. PCB Diagrams 9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9-1. Power On...9-1 9-2. Initial...9-3 9-3. Charging Part...9-4 9-4. Sim Part...9-6 9-5. Microphone Part...9-8 9-6. Speaker Part(Melody)...9-10 9-7. Key Data Input...9-12 9-8. Earphone Part...9-13 9-9. LCD Part...9-15 9-10. Camera part...

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