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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 75GXP and 40GV

IBM Deskstar 75GXP and 40GV free download

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File name IBM Deskstar 75GXP and 40GV.PDF

Redefining state-of-the-art for desktop storage IBM Deskstar 75GXP and Deskstar 40GV hard disk drives Leading drive technology IBM Deskstar drives utilize proven IBM The IBM Deskstar 75GXP and Deskstar technologies such as TrueTrack* servo Highlights 40GV disk drives combine the perfor- and No-ID* sector formatting. IBM mance and capacity to handle a wide Drive Fitness Technologies, a set of The IBM Deskstar* 75GXP com- range of advanced desktop and audio/ diagnostic tools, include award- bines industry-leading perfor- video applications. The IBM Deskstar winning Drive Fitness Test* (DFT), mance at 7200 RPM with internal 75GXP incorporates innovative new tech- S.M.A.R.T Self Test, and error logging. . transfer rates of 444 Mbits/sec nologies to greatly enhance system per- and average seek times of 8.5 ms formance--delivering an internal transfer to enable a sustained data rate that tops the industry average by Advanced desktop systems transfer rate of up to 37 MB/sec. 27 percent. Glass media, differential With these new drives, IBM has Capacities range from 75 to 15 GB. preamplifier, and fifth-generation GMR redefined state-of-the-art for storage. heads enable this level of performance The fast speeds and high capacities of The IBM Deskstar 40GV balances by increasing track capacity an average IBM Deskstar drives translate into capacity, performance, and price of 41 percent. A thermal monitor helps higher quality digital audio and video, with one and two disks, 5400 RPM, ensure data reliability at this high rate. superior digital content creation and an average seek time of 9.5 capabilities, and significantly faster ms in capacities of 40 to 20 GB. The industry's greatest areal densities processing for data-intensive multime- provide popular capacity points while dia and Internet applications. A safety ramp feature virtually reducing the number of components eliminates damage to the data and increasing reliability. The first desktop area caused by drive mishandling drive with the IBM safety ramp feature IBM quality and service before installation. (head load/unload capability) helps IBM drives are backed by an array of protect data by moving the heads off the technical support and services, which A thermal monitor protects data

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