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File name:ERISSON 2910 08.txt
Size:59 kB
Model:2910 08 🔎
Original:2910 08 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Erisson TV Телевизор ЭЛТ Erisson 2910 ERISSON 2910 ERISSON 2910 08.txt
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File name ERISSON 2910 08.txt

S K Y W O R T H (G R O U P) C O M P A N Y L I M I T E D Model Number: CTV-2998 Item Part Number D e s c r i p t i o n Quantity U.Price Amount 1. 0100-000124-00 CARTON BOX L830 X W670 X H625 MM FOR 29F1,2998,29NF1 BACK CAB. 0.5000 3.2067 1.6034 2. 0100-000154-00 CARTON BOX L830 X W600 X H635 MM FOR 2998 FRONT CAB. SKD PACKING 0.2500 2.1197 0.5299 3. 0100-000247-00 CARTON BOX L780 X W500 X H580 0.1250 1.9767 0.2471 4. 0102-216000-00 CARTON SHEET 512 X 65 MM 0.1000 0.0250 0.0025 5. 0102-228259-00 CARTON SHEET (C) L512 X W510MM 0.0300 0.1222 0.0037 6. 0113-060059-00 CARTON BOX L530 X W528 X H385MM W/GREEN POINT 0.0040 0.8977 0.0036 7. 0301-299800-02 POLYFOAM END CAP. R & L (TOP & BOLLOM) 1.0000 1.6467 1.6467 8. 0404-000030-00 POLY BAG L1100 X H1050 MM 1.0000 0.1048 0.1048 9. 0404-035090-03 POLYBAG 3.5" X 9" X 0.04 MM (PO) W/PE 1.0000 0.0033 0.0033 10. 0404-090140-03 POLYBAG 9" X 14" X 0.04 MM (PO) W/PE 1.0000 0.0080 0.0080 11. 0415-000008-00 BUBBLE BAG L1100 X W1050 MM 1.0000 0.3400 0.3400 12. 0415-032075-10 BUBBLE BAG 3 1/4" X 7.5" 1.0000 0.0067 0.0067 13. 0415-040140-10 BUBBLE BAG 4" X 14" 1.0000 0.0115 0.0115 14. 0415-055065-10 BUBBLE BAG 5.5" X 6.5" 1.0000 0.0077 0.0077 15. 0415-090120-10 BUBBLE BAG 9" X 12" 1.0000 0.0233 0.0233 16. 0600-210218-00 CARTON NO. LABEL FOR SKD PACKING 1.0000 0.0027 0.0027 17. 0601-299802-G7 BACK LABEL "ERISSON" 2910A RUSSIA 1.0000 18. 0602-090218-00 X-RAY LABEL

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