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Now downloading free:Keithley 2600B-800-FRP

Keithley 2600B-800-FRP free download

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Descr: Keithley 2600
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Appendix G Model 2400 emulation In this appendix: Model 2400 emulation ... G-1 Model 2400 emulation The Series 2600B provides for emulation of the Model 2400 command set using a personality script named Persona2400. When run, this script takes control of the remote command interfaces and interprets any commands received. Loading, running, and configuring Model 2400 emulation Before running or configuring the script, it must be loaded into internal memory. Also, you cannot run or load a script while a script is already running. If the Persona2400 script has been deleted from the Series 2600B without using the script's DeleteScript menu item (which is contained in the Configure2400 user test), you must execute the userstring.delete("AutoRun2400") command before reloading the Persona2400 script. To load the script into the internal memory: 1. Plug the USB drive (provided with the Series 2600B) into the front panel USB port. 2. Load the Persona2400 script (2600B-800A.tsp) and save the script to the Series 2600B internal nonvolatile memory. a. From the front panel, press the MENU key, and then select SCRIPT > LOAD > USB1. c. Use the navigation wheel to select the Persona2400.tsp script. If prompted to overwrite an existing script, select YES to overwrite (it may take a few seconds to complete loading the script). d. Turn the navigation wheel to select SAVE-INTERNAL and then press the navigation wheel (or the ENTER key). e. Select YES and then press the navigation wheel (or the ENTER key) to save the script internally (it may take a few seconds to complete the save). f. Press the EXIT key as needed to leave the menu structure. Appendix G: Model 2400 emulation Series 2600B System SourceMeter

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