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MSI Konica Minolta qms magicolor 3300 free download

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HIBANA Laser Printer Base Engine Technical Manual Version 1.0 Cautions for operation Contents of this document may be subjected to modification without previous notice. Fuji Xerox will assume not any responsibilities for accidental or incidental damages resulting from technical or editorial errors or omission in this manual, issue of this manual, execution of description in this manual, or use of this manual. This document is protected by copyright. It is not forgiven to photocopy or duplicate any part of this document in any form without previous permission in writing from Fuji Xerox. i 1. About this manual This manual is a standard service manual of Fuji Xerox containing information required for maintenance of this laser printer (standard specifications). This manual is intended for use by OEMs under a contract with Fuji Xerox when they provide maintenance services for this laser printer or when they prepare maintenance data. It is prohibited to use this manual for other objects. 2. Marks giving caution Maintenance operations requiring special cautions or additional information to descriptions of this manual are presented as "Warning", "Caution", or "Note", according to their nature. If instructions are not observed, death or serious injury may be caused. If instructions are not observed, injuries of workers or physical damages to assets (including this laser printer) may result. Particularly important essentials for procedures, steps, rules, and others. Reference Incidental information to descriptions. 3. Related documents w Instruction manuals (standard manuals) Describe operation and handling of this laser printer. w Performance specifications Describe in detail various specifications of this laser printer. (In the event of discrepancy between this manual and the performance specifications, the performance specifications shall take preference.) w Video interface specifications Detailed video interface specifications for this laser printer w Spare parts list Information on maintenance parts (spare parts) for this laser printer ii 4. Safety To prevent possible accidents during maintenance operation, you should observe strictly the "Warning" and "Caution" information in this manual. Dangerous operations and operations out of range of this manual should be absolutely avoided. Generally various processes not covered by this manual may be required in actual operation, which should be performed carefully always giving attention to safety. 4.1 Power source Keep the power supply off during maintenance operation to prevent electric shock, burns and othe

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