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Now downloading free:Aiwa FR-A270 FR-A275

Aiwa FR-A270 FR-A275 free download

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File name:FRA270Rev.pdf
[preview FR-A270 FR-A275]
Size:1009 kB
Model:FR-A270 FR-A275 🔎
Original:09-015-356-7N1 🔎
Descr:Radio Wecker - ver. U, EZ, HRJ, K, EZ (H) - pag. 20
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
Multipart:No multipart

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File name FRA270Rev.pdf

FR-A270 U(H),EZ(L,H) FR-A275 U(H),HRJ(L),K(H) EZ(H) SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER S/M Code No. 09-015-356-7N1 DA TA ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST-1/1 REF. NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 8B-RUB-905-010 IB,EZ(EGF)C 270 8B-RUA-905-010 IB,EZ(EGF)C 275 8B-RUB-907-010 IB,EZ(PHNCZ)C 270 8B-RUA-907-010 IB,EZ(PHNCZ)C 275 8B-RUB-906-010 IB,EZ(SID)C 270 8B-RUA-906-010 8B-RUA-902-010 8B-RUA-908-010 8B-RUB-901-010 8B-RUA-901-010 IB,EZ(SID)C 275 IB,HR(ECC)C 275 IB,K(E)C 277 IB,U(3L)C 270 IB,U(3L)C 275 PART NO. -2- SPECIFICATIONS FRA270U MODEL FRA270EZ MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . FRA275U MODEL FRA275HRJ MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . FRA275K, EZ MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . -3- ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST-1/2 REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C33 C36 C37 C37 C38 C39 87-A21-200-010 87-A21-201-010 8B-RUA-611-010 TRANSISTOR IC LM8562 IC,LM8560N IC,KA22426D KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 87-010-391-010 CAP,E 10-35 M SM 87-012-348-080 CAP,CER 0.1-50 F 87-A10-576-080 CAP,CER 0.01-50 Z YF 87-012-348-080 CAP,CER 0.1-50 F 87-012-348-080 CAP,CER 0.1-50 F 87-A10-576-080 87-A10-576-080 87-012-372-080 87-010-545-010 87-012-348-080 87-A91-162-010 87-A90-991-010 8A-RUA-634-010 8B-RUA-608-010 8B-RUA-608-010 8B-RUA-607-010 8B-RUA-603-010 8B-RUA-605-010 87-003-136-010 8B-RUA-602-010 8B-RUA-622-010 8B-RUA-601-010 8B-RUA-601-010 8B-RUA-615-010 8B-RUA-616-010 8B-RUA-614-010 8B-RUA-621-010 8B-RUA-620-010 8B-RUA-610-010 8B-RUA-625-010 8B-RUA-626-010 8B-RUA-626-010 8B-RUA-626-010 8B-RUA-626-010 8B-RUA-626-010 8B-RUA-612-010 8B-RUA-611-010 8B-RUA-623-010 8B-RUA-624-010 8B-RUA-604-010 8B-RUA-606-010 8B-RUA-609-010 CAP,CER 0.01-50 Z YF CAP,CER 0.01-50 Z YF CAP,CER 1000P-2K CAP,E 0.22-50 M SME CAP,CER 0.1-50 F FLTR,PFS450A7 FLTR,SFE10.7 MS239-A SOCKET,2P BATTERY COIL,FM RF 3T5 COIL,FM RF 3T5 COIL,FM OSC 2T5 COIL,AM ANT COIL,AM OSC COIL,100UH K LAL04 LED,DISPLAY0.9 INCH 12H GREEN LED,DISPLAY0.9 INCH 24H GREEN LED,DIA 3 RED LED,DIA 3 RED PT,EZ 230V W/AC CORD PT,HL 115/230V W/O ACCORD PT,U 120V W/AC CORD TUN-CAP,20P-126P-126P TONG TAT TUN-CAP,20P-160P-82P TONG TAT SW,SLIDE 2P2T SK22F10G8

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