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Aiwa CR-AS65 free download

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File name:65.pdf
[preview CR-AS65]
Size:2059 kB
Model:CR-AS65 🔎 CRAS65
Original:09-006-345-9N2 🔎
Descr:Service Manual - Stereo Radio Receiver - pag. 12
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
Multipart:No multipart

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CR-AS65 YJ1(S),YL1(S) SERVICE MANUAL STEREO RADIO RECEIVER S/M Code No. 09-006-345-9N2 DA TA SPECIFICATIONS · Design and specifications are subject to change withoutnotice . ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST REF. NO KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 1 8A-RCF-902-010 IB,YH1(ECC)C 1 8A-RCF-904-010 IB,YL(3L)C 2 87-B30-145-210 HEADPHONE,HP-M029(T) PART NO. 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C120 C121 C123 C124 C125 C126 C128 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 C211 C212 C215 CD101 CF101 CF102 J101 L1 L2 L3 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 PVC1 SP1 SW1 SW2 SW3 VR1 87-A21-232-040 87-002-232-080 TRANSISTOR 89-508-824-080 89-113-625-080 89-341-165-080 DIODE 87-070-345-080 MAIN C.B C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 87-012-167-080 87-012-176-080 87-012-181-080 87-012-166-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-286-080 87-A10-047-080 87-012-274-080 87-A10-047-080 87-010-831-080 87-010-831-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-286-080 87-012-178-080 C-IC,TA2111FN IC,NJM2073M KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 87-A10-463-080 C-CAP,U 0.47-10 Z F 87-010-829-080 CAP, U 0.047-16 87-A10-047-080 C-CAP,U 1-10 Z F 87-010-787-080 C-CAP,U 0.022-25 K B 87-012-285-080 C-CAP,U 8200P-50 K B GRM 87-012-166-080 87-012-181-080 87-010-831-080 87-010-831-080 87-010-076-040 87-010-076-040 87-012-281-080 87-012-281-080 87-010-503-040 87-010-267-080 87-A10-463-080 87-A10-463-080 87-010-588-010 87-010-588-010 87-010-831-080 87-A90-739-010 8A-RCF-611-010 87-A90-739-010 8A-RCF-607-010 ST-RCO-041-200 8A-RCF-606-010 8A-RCF-602-010 8A-RCF-609-010 8A-RCF-603-010 8A-RCF-604-010 8A-RCF-601-010 87-A90-177-010 8A-RCF-605-010 8A-RCF-608-010 87-A90-863-010 87-A90-778-010 87-A90-863-010 87-A90-835-010 C-CAP,U 4P-50 C CH C-CAP,U 24P-50 J CH C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C-CAP,U,0.1-16F CAP,E 22-6.3 5L CAP,E 22-6.3 5L C-CAP,U 3900P-50 B C-CAP,U 3900P-50 B CAP,E 220-4 GAS CAP,E 47-10 M 105 KM C-CAP,U 0.47-10 Z F C-CAP,U 0.47-10 Z F CAP,E 220-2 M 5L MA CAP,E 220-2 M 5L MA C-CAP,U,0.1-16F FLTR,KIT FLTR,CFAL 455 FLTR,KIT JACK,3.5 ST W/O SW FERRITE BEAD INDUCTOR 120UH COIL,1UH*3 COIL,BPF BAR-ANT,ARC-F COIL,FM RF COIL,FM OSC COIL,AM OSC IFT,AM IF 5P TUN-CAP,20P-160P 16*16 SPKR,36 8OHM SW,SL 1-1-2 SSSS21 SW,SL 2-2-3 SS-337-B23 SW,SL 1-1-2 SSSS21 VR,RTRY 20KCX2 H PART NO. C-FET, 2SK882Y C-TR, 2SA1362GR CHIP TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR DIODE,IN4148 C-CAP,U 5P-50 CH C-CAP,U 15P-50 J CH C-CAP,U 24P-50 J CH C-CAP,U 4P-50 C CH CAP, U 0.01-25 CAP, U 0.01-25 C-CAP,U 1-10 Z F CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C-CAP,U 1-10 Z F C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C-CAP,U,0.1-16F CAP, U 0.01-25 CAP, U 0.01-25 C-CAP,U 18P-50 J CH C115 C116 C118 C119 87-012-180-080 87-010-503-040 87-010-501-040 87-010-178-080 C-CAP,U 22P-50 J CH CAP,E 220-4 GAS CAP,E 47-4 M 5L SRE CHIP CAP 1000P · Regarding connectors, they are not stocked as they are not the initial order items. The connectors are available after they are supplied from connector manufacturers upon the order is received. 3 CHIP RESISTOR PART CODE Ch

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