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Sony Ericsson F305 2 free download

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File name:SONY ERICSSON F305 2.pdf
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Original:F305 2 🔎
Descr: Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones Сотовый телефон Sony Ericsson F305 SONY ERICSSON F305 2.pdf
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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GPIO List Power List Neptune pins Ying GPIO Signal name and usage Item DC-DC or LDO Vol age(V) Current(mA) Power Source Supply Target GPIO Name Ba l Signal name Usage Mode set ing VRDBB step down DC-DC 0.95~1. /step=30 600 main battery Core of modem processor VRUSB LDO 3.3 15 VRVBUS USB modu e VRWLED step up DC-DC 20 60 main battery Wh te Leds gpio_0 M15 CAM_VS CAM_VS mode0 VRPLL LDO 1.05,1.3 or 1. 10 main battery PLLs gpio_1 W21 CAM_RST CAM_RST mode0 VRABB LDO 2.8 80 main battery Tri on Analog Part gpio_2 J15 RAZ_VRSIM RAZ_VRSIM mode0 VRRTC&BRRTC LDO 1.8 20 0.03 main/backup battery 32K&Power Management Sys em gpio_3 B8 CAM_HS CAM_HS mode0 VREXTH programmable LDO 1.8/2.8 200/100 main battery external pheripheral C3 Nemu1 Nemu1 mode0 VREXTL programmable LDO 1.8/2.8 100 main battery external pheripheral gpio_ U19 ADC_STROBE ADC_STROBE mode0 VRMMC programmable LDO 1.8/2.85 100 main battery external MMC device gpio_5 A7 CAM_VS CAM_VS mode0 VRSIM programmable LDO 1.8/2.86 15 main battery SIM card&SIM card driver T18 N/C VRIO LDO 1.

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