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Kyocera SB-2MV-0001-C130 1 free download

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File name:SB-2MV-0001-C130_1.pdf
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Model:SB-2MV-0001-C130 1 🔎
Original:SB-2MV-0001-C130 1 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2MV-0001-C130_1.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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(Revised Issue 1) (Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MW-0001 (C130) July 12, 2012 Subject Notes on Replacement of the Parts (Change of the LSU) Model FS-6525MFP, FS-6530MFP This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. The accurate serial numbers were added (page 2). Topic The APC PWB for the LSU was changed in order to improve the assembly process. Accordingly, some attention is required when replacing the parts. Therefore, please refer to [Field Measures] below. Content of Changes 1) The APC PWB for the LSU (No.1, 2) was changed in order to improve noise resistance. 2) The noise resistance parts (the ferrite core (A in the figure below) and the conductive clamp (B)) were abolished as they became unnecessary after the change 1) above. Additionally, the wires (C, D) were changed. (Old) Old type LSU (No.1, 2) APC PWB LSU (No.1, 2) A: Ferrite core --- Disused Old type wire(C) B: Conductive clamp --- Disused Old type wire (D) (New) New type LSU (No.1, 2) APC PWB New type wire (C) New type wire (D) * A to D above are not for field supply. KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD) (Revised Issue 1) (Page.2/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MW-0001 (C130) July 12, 2012 Q'ty Com pati- Old Part New Part bi li

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