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CANON gpgen-23 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 605 ServBull ServBullGP405 gpgen-23.pdf
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SERVICE BULLETIN COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: PRINTING CONTROLLER No.: GP-GEN-023 (99OIPD0-B0023) Date: 09.04.99 LOCATION: SYSTEM ASSEMBLY SUBJECT: EURO PRINTING OUTLINE This document describes the print results of Canon's current products regarding Euro currency symbol under Windows environment. DETAILS GP PDL Level* Update Plan* Multi PDL Board-A1/B1, PCL 2 no further update plan Printer Board-P2/P3 (Peerless PS/PCL) PS 2 Network Multi PDL Board- PCL 2 considering V2.0 D1, Network Printer Board-E1 (Eiger) PS 2 (and 3) Network Printer Board-F1 PS 2 (and 3) considering V2.0 (Whitney) Network Multiple PDL PCL 1 (?) investigating Printer Board-H1, Network Printer board-K1 (Erebus) PS 1 (?), 2 and 3 Level* Level one is the best and should be final target. However, level Two (or level Three) is accepted as current product. PCL Environment Level One Resident fonts should have Euro symbol, and it can be print through the printer driver with default setting. Level Two Euro symbol can be printed through the driver with different setting from the default. PS Environment Level One Resident fonts should have Euro symbol on the printer, and it can be print through the printer driver with default setting. Level Two Euro symbol can be printed through the driver with different setting from the default. Level Three Adobe Euro font is printed with ATM environment. COPIER -2- GP-GEN-023 Update Plan* NO UPDATE PLAN, in case that there is an update plan, but it has no relation to euro symbol printing. 1. Purpose of the document To make sure printing ability of each product, and to share the information on euro printing. 2. Background 2.1 Introduction of euro symbol Euro currency is effective in European Union since January 1999, and character symbol is also introduced. Computer software, hardware and fonts vendors including Microsoft are providing a way to adapt to the new environment. 2.2 Customer's requirement Introducing above currency and its symbol, there are more and more chance to use the symbol, and the customer's expectation of print ability is getting stronger. 2.3 Product

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