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Now downloading free:CANON acc-177

CANON acc-177 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:acc-177 🔎 acc177
Original:acc-177 🔎
Descr: CANON Copiers GP 405 ServBull ServBullGP405 acc-177.pdf
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : Finisher-C1 No.: Acc-177 Saddle Finisher-C2 (FF-T01-W-000075-01) DATE: 08.10.99 Location : FEEDER ASSEMBLY Subject : PREVENTING GUIDE STOPPER BREAKAGE Reason : To communicate that the shape of the guide stopper has been changed to prevent it from breaking. Also, to communicate field measures to take if the stopper breaks in the field. Details : If the guide stopper breaks, there are cases where the buffer roller stops the copy paper, and a stationary jam occurs. The guide stopper determines the stop position of the flapper, but this stopper breaks as a result of the repeated opening and closing operation of the flapper. If the stopper breaks, the flapper makes contact with the buffer roller, and a load is placed on the rotation of the buffer roller. In the worst case, the rotation of the buffer roller is halted, and a stationary jam occurs. (Fig. 1) The flapper makes contact with the buffer roller. Buffer roller Flapper Stopper Guide [When there is a stopper] [When the stopper has broken] Fig. 1 Feeder assembly -1/5- Acc-177 Durability of the guide stopper was improved by strengthening it with the addition of a rib (Fig. 2). [Old guide] [New guide] Stopper strengthened by

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