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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 34GXP & 37GP Datasheet

IBM Deskstar 34GXP & 37GP Datasheet free download

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Powerful solutions and innovations in desktop storage for the workplace and home IBM Deskstar 37GP and Deskstar 34GXP hard disk drives Leading drive technology Advanced desktop systems Highlights With the IBM Deskstar 37GP and As the company that pioneered disk Deskstar 34GXP IBM provides the , drive technology, IBM once again is The award-winning IBM capacity and performance to handle a setting new standards for today's data Deskstar* family provides wide range of advanced desktop applica- storage technology by designing industry-leading capacities and tions. The IBM Deskstar 37GP offers the innovative high-capacity hard disk drives performance of up to 37 GB at industry's largest capacity in an ATA inter- that help meet the evolving requirements 5400 RPM and 34 GB at 7200 RPM. face drive at 37 GB. The IBM Deskstar .5 of high-performance desktop users. The 34GXP couples high capacity (34.2 GB) fast speeds and high capacities of IBM Average seek times of 9.0 millisec- with high performance (7200 RPM) to Deskstar drives translate directly into onds, with sustained data rates of provide the ideal solution for today's higher quality digital audio and video, up to 19.9 MB/sec (Deskstar 37GP) application needs. superior digital content creation capabili- and 22.9 MB/sec (Deskstar 34GXP), ties, and significantly faster processing for a 2.0 MB cache, and high internal IBM Deskstar hard drives make use of the the emerging wave of data-intensive data rates enable benchmark- latest IBM technologies, like IBM giant multimedia and Internet applications. winning performance. magnetoresistive (GMR) head technology, TrueTrack* servo, and No-ID* sector Giant magnetoresistive (GMR) formatting. These technologies, along with IBM quality and service head technology enables the an Ultra ATA/66 interface, deliver a high- IBM drives are backed by an array of industry's highest areal densities performance, high-capacity hard drive technical support and services, which and 7.5 GB of capacity per disk on with unsurpassed quality and reliability. may include customer and integration the IBM Deskstar 37GP. IBM Drive Fitness Technologies, which is a assistance. set of diagnostic tools, includes the award- An Ultra ATA/66 interface supports winning

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