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Now downloading free:CANON gp405-002

CANON gp405-002 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:gp405-002 🔎 gp405002
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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 405 ServBull ServBullGP405 gp405-002.pdf
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : GP335/405 No.: GP405-002 (FF-T01-J7-000008-01) DATE: 09.04.99 Location : LENS MOUNT Subject : NOTES OF CAUTION FOR CCD UNIT INSTALLATION Reason : Communication of notes of caution for the CCD unit installation Details : There is a need to exercise caution in removing and installing the CCD unit after shipment from the factory so as to avoid running the risk of a loose fit of the unit to the prescribed position and a failure to maintain the right-angle alignment. Since image verifications, including right-angle alignment, are made at the time of shipping the product from the factory, the only possibility for occurrence of this problem is when the CCD unit is installed or removed during servicing in the field. Servicing : 1) Tighten the screw and check that the fit of the CCD unit is not loose. 2) After checking that, complete the installation procedure by tightening the screw . CCD fixing plates Fig. CCD lens mount -1/1-

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