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Kyocera AS-119 free download

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File name:AS-119.pdf
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Model:AS-119 🔎 AS119
Original:AS-119 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer _OPTIONS DF-600 SERVICEBULLETIN AS-119.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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1/4 Service Bulletin SB Number: SB AS-119 Issue Date: 30/04/2003 Subject: Supply of `Special Tool, Stapler' for field service Model: DF-600 / DF-610 DF-600: KM-4530 / 5530 * / 6330 * (* = with special adjustment only: see SB AS-116) DF-610: KM-4530 / 5530 / 6330 Please be informed that a part number for the `SPECIAL TOOL, STAPLER' is available. Please order the `SPECIAL TOOL, STAPLER' with below part number if required. Purpose The `SPECIAL TOOL, STAPLER' is a jig that is used when replacing a stapler unit or when a stapling malfunction occurs. Please refer to page 2 and later of this service bulletin for more details. `SPECIAL TOOL, STAPLER' (P/N: 3B868010) Parts Table Part No. Part No. Q'ty Interchange- No. Description OLD NEW old-new ability 1 --------- 3B868010 SPECIAL TOOL, STAPLER - 1 - O KMIS Service Team, Kyocera Mita Europe 5490 / SB AS-119 3B8/9-2 (3) Adjusting the stapler unit mounting position Perform this operation when replacing a stapler unit or when a stapling malfunction occurs. * Since the front stapler and the rear stapler in the finisher have the same construction, only the procedure for the front stapler is described below. Use similar procedure for adjusting the rear stapler. Tool required for adjustment

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