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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2J5-0012-B112

Kyocera SB-2J5-0012-B112 free download

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File name:SB-2J5-0012-B112.pdf
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Model:SB-2J5-0012-B112 🔎
Original:SB-2J5-0012-B112 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6970 ServiceBulletins SB-2J5-0012-B112.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2J5-0012-B112.pdf

(Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2J5-0012 (B112) May 6, 2011 Measure against the Abnormal Sound from the Exit Section Subject (Service Parts Information) Model FS-6950DN, FS-6970DN Topic The measure against the abnormal noise (creaking noise) generated by contact of the FD unit frame with the shaft of the exit roller was informed by the service bulletin SB-2J5-0010-B042. This time, the service part for field measure was registered. Additionally, the new FD units with the BUSH EXIT were also registered. Measure The BUSH EXIT (No.1) was added between the frame and the exit roller shaft so that the frame and the shaft will not contact each other. Fitting position Center of FD ASSY Frame (GUIDE VERTICAL) Field Measure The part for field measure is now registered which can be fitted without removing the FD unit as the shape was changed by eliminating bosses and bumps. For production: BUSH EXIT (302J528061) For service: BUSH EXIT B (informed this time) [Note] The BUSH EXIT B cannot be installed to FS- 6950DN before the GUIDE VERTICAL was changed which interferes the guide when fitting. Use the BUSH EXIT for production or the FD ASSY SP with the part installed. The part can be installed to FS-6950DN with Shape changed where change of the GUIDE VERTICAL implemented marked in circle as informed by the service bulletin SB-2F7- 0022-8806. The parts can be fitted if part A is (FS-6970DN since the first production) cut obliquely. A B A Content of the service bulletin SB-

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