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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP Compatibility Summary v2.1

IBM Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP Compatibility Summary v2.1 free download

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IBM storage products IBM Compatibility report Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP Ultra ATA/100 Models: DTLA-305010 DTLA-307015 DTLA-305020 DTLA-307020 DTLA-305030 DTLA-307030 DTLA-305040 DTLA-307045 DTLA-307060 DTLA-307075 Compatibility Compaq DeskPro EN SFF PIII Compaq DeskPro EP 6500 PIII The IBM SIT Lab thoroughly tests Deskstar drives for Compaq Presario 5050 / compatibility with a wide variety of systems, controller PIII 5610/5900 cards, and operating systems. Testing was done to de- Compaq Presario 5900Z AMD monstrate compatibility with the hardware and software listed in this document. Other combinations of hardware Compaq ProSignia Celeron and software are expected to function with this drive, but Compaq Workstation AP550 PIII have not been tested. Dell Dimension L466C Celeron Dell Dimension L500c Celeron See Deskstar 40GV & 75GXP Hints & Tips for an explanation of the following: Dell Dimension L500r PIII Dell Dimension XPS B600r PIII BIOS limitations and display errors Dell Dimension XPS T450 PIII UDMA operating difficulties experienced with certain motherboards and operating systems Dell OptiPlex GX1M / GX1pM+ PIII Capacity limitation issues and solutions Dell OptiPlex GX100 / GX110/T PIII Enabling / checking UDMA operation under Linux Dell Precision WS 220MT / PIII 400MT/410MT UDMA cabling requirements Dell Precision WS 420MT Dual PIII Dell Precision WS 610MT PIII Xeon Systems / System boards Processors

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