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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2G3-0041-B459

Kyocera SB-2G3-0041-B459 free download

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File name:SB-2G3-0041-B459.pdf
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Size:176 kB
Model:SB-2G3-0041-B459 🔎
Original:SB-2G3-0041-B459 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6970 ServiceBulletins SB-2G3-0041-B459.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2G3-0041-B459.pdf

(Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2G3-0041 (B459) December 27, 2011 Common Use of the Part (Shape Change of the FRAME Subject LEFT/PLATE EJECT A3) Model FS-6950DN, FS-6970DN Topic The shape of the FRAME LEFT (No.1) and the PLATE EJECT A3 (No.2) was changed for common use with other models. No.1 X No.2 Change1 Change 3 Change 2 1) Shape change of the FRAME LEFT (No.1) Change 1) The protrusion at the insertion of the LOCK COVE TOP L was cut. Cut Change 2) The boss height was changed. Lowered by 1.8 mm Change 3) The LEVER EF attaching part was changed. Protruded by 1.5mm (2 points) Corners changed from rounding to chamfer 2) A chamfer was applied to the PLATE EJECT A3 (No.2) after the change of the FRAME LEFT. Chamfer applied KYOCERA MITA Europe B.V. European Service & Development Center (ESDC) (Page.2/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No.2G3-0041 (B459) December 27, 2011 Com pati- Old Part New Part Q'ty bi lity No. No. No. Description Remarks Old New Old New 302F902011 302F902511 1 FRAME LEFT 1 1 O X 2F902011 2F902511 302F728100 302F728101 2 PLATE EJECT A3 1 1 X O 2F728100 2F728101 KMC's Classification

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