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Now downloading free:Kyocera History FS-1x28MFP 02.00.0100 (2011-08-20)

Kyocera History FS-1x28MFP 02.00.0100 (2011-08-20) free download

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File name:History_FS-1x28MFP_02.00.0100_(2011-08-20).txt
Size:17 kB
Model:History FS-1x28MFP 02.00.0100 (2011-08-20) 🔎
Original:History FS-1x28MFP 02.00.0100 (2011-08-20) 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-1028-1128MFP Firmware FS-1x28MFP_02.00.0100_(2011-08-20) History_FS-1x28MFP_02.00.0100_(2011-08-20).txt
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name History_FS-1x28MFP_02.00.0100_(2011-08-20).txt

FS-1028MFP & FS-1128MFP Firmware History: Version: 02.00.0100_(2011-08-20) Main Frame Version System 2H9/JN_2F00.024.005 Engine 2H9_1000.006.001 (NEW) SCANNER 2H9_1200.004.001 FS-1128MFP: FAX 2H9_5100.007.002 Latest released version !!! Please print Service Status Page before updating. !!! Coverage report may reset by updating with this firmware from an older version. 1. Measures against the fuser roller wearing (Foggy background, black streaks and bands) This firmware implements following Service Bulletin: SB-2H9-0032-C180 ********************************************************************************* Version: 02.00.0093_(2012-03-09) Main Frame Version System 2H9/JN_2F00.E29.002 (NEW) Engine 2H9_1000.005.001 SCANNER 2H9_1200.004.001 FS-1128MFP: FAX 2H9_5100.007.002 Latest evaluation version 1. CF248 with specific printjobs (#1410380) This firmware implements following Service Bulletin: none ********************************************************************************* Version: 02.00.0092_(2012-02-17) Main Frame Version System 2H9/JN_2F00.E29.001 (NEW) Engine 2H9_1000.005.001 SCANNER 2H9_1200.004.001 FS-1128MFP: FAX 2H9_5100.007.002 Latest evaluation version 1. Wrong print out via direct printing (#1355985) 2. Error print image from specific PDF Direct (JBIG2 -> CCITT Modified PDF) (#1355985) 3. CF248 with specific PDF (#1356342) This firmware implements following Service Bulletin: none ********************************************************************************* Version: 02.00.0091_(2012-02-23) Main Frame Version System 2H9/JN_2F00.C24.002 (NEW) Engine 2H9_1000.005.001 SCANNER 2H9_1200.004.001 FS-1128MFP: FAX 2H9_5100.007.002 Latest evaluation version 1. Performance Problems with specific kind of jobs (#1409431) 2. Wrong order of PJL-communication (#1409456) This firmware implements following Service Bulletin: none ********************************************************************************* Version: 02.00.0090_(2011-08-20) Main Frame Version System 2H9/JN_2F00.024.005 Engi

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