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Now downloading free:CANON gpgen-8a

CANON gpgen-8a free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 605 ServBull Jp_gen gpgen-8a.pdf
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : Network Multi PDL Board-D1 No.: GP GEN-008A Network Printer Board-E1 (98SQE0-B0018) DATE: 26.06.98 Location : SYSTEM SOFTWARE V1.01 Subject : VERSION UP 1. Outline System Software V1.01 for the controllers for GP215/210, "Network Multi PDL Board-D1 (PS/PCL)", "Network Printer Board-E1 (PCL)" (GP-D1/E1) was released. 2. Details The difference between V1.0 and V1.01 of the system software is explained below. Since the printer drivers downloaded from Web Installer were older than the drivers contained in the User CD, downloading the drivers of the newest version is enabled. 3. Service Parts Investigating -BROM.EFI (2392KB: March.17.1998) =Data for Boot ROM (Do not use). -GP200216.UM (94261KB:April.28.1998) =System Software Ver1.01 -PSUPGRAD.EFI (26001KB:March.18.1998) =For PS Upgrade (Use only GP-D1) -1/1-

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