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Kyocera SB-5JR-0002-B104 free download

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Original:SB-5JR-0002-B104 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-5JR-0002-B104.pdf
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(Page.1/2) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 5JR-0002 (B104) April 14 2011 Firmware Upgrade (BOOT/APL Ver.B02.001) Subject FS-6025MFP_FS-6030MFP_v02.00.0010_(2011-04-11) Model FAX System (U) (Installation target models: FS-6030MFP, FS-6025MFP, FS-6025MFP/B, FS-C8020MFP and FS-C8025MFP) Topic The firmware was upgraded as follows. Content of Changes No. Item Details CTL Ver. 1 Improvement the There was not enough margin to detect the connection between the controller 541776 FAX connection between the board and FAX board and in case that the condition got worse depending on controller board and the variation of the resistance values on the FAX board, system error *CF14A FAX board or CF378 might rarely appear. Therefore, the following change was made. [Change] The register setting which is affected by the resistance value on the FAX board was changed in order to improve the margin. *CF14A/CF378: The error indicated when communication between boards is disconnected Type Program No. Ver. Remarks Upgrade Pack Ver. 2K3_V1.04E 1.04 <--New Upgrade MAIN 2K3_2F00.001.504 001.504 MMI 2K3_7000.001.500 001.500 ENGINE 2K3_1000.004.002 004.002 LANGUAGE BR 2K3_81BR.001.004 001.004 For Brazilian Portuguese LANGUAGE KR 2K3_81KR.001.002 001.002 For KMKR * LANGUAGE CN 2K3_81CN001.003 001.003 For KTST * IO 2K3_1E00.001.010 001.010 DP 3M8_9500.003.001 003.001 FAX BOOT/APL 5JR_5500.B02.001 B02.001 BOOT(B02.001), APL(B02.001) <--New Upgrade ESPECIAL ES_SKIP.ON ---------- Type Program No. Ver. Remarks Upgrade Pack Ver. 2KZ_V1.02E 1.02 <--New Upgrade MAIN 2KZ_2F00.001.504 001.504 MMI 2KZ_7000.001.504 001.504 ENGINE 2K0_1000.002.002 002.002 LANGUAGE BR 2KZ_81BR.001.006 001.006 For Brazilia

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