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LG G5200 3 free download

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5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 5.1 Disassembly 1. Remove the battery, antenna and screws as shown above. 1 2 3 Figure 5-1. Removing Battery pack, screws and Antenna 2. Carefully lift up the bottom of Rare Cover first, then hold the covers and twist them. Figure 5-2. Disassembly of Rear cover and Front cover - 95 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 3.Finally carefully remove the rear-cover from the hooks on the top of front-cover. Figure 5-3. Disassembly from the hooks - 96 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 4. Remove the pin shown below to unlock the PCB. Figure 5-4. Unlocking and removing the PCB - 97 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 5. Use a sharp awl to push away the antenna-bushing. Figure 5-5. Removing Antenna-bushing 6. Use a tweezers to remove the Battery Locker. 1 1 2 3 Figure 5-6. Removing battery locker - 98 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 7. Remove the buttons. Figure 5-7. Removing buttons 8. Push away the hinge to remove the folder. Figure 5-8. Detaching Folder - 99 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 9. Remove a hinge from the folder. Then detach screw caps and screws Figure 5-9. Removing hinge and screws 10. Place the folder on a desk. Then hold the hinge and push it down carefully. Finally, detach it from the rest hooks shown above. Firure 5-10. Disassembly of Folder - 100 - 5. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION 11. Detach the rest components as shown below. Figure 5-11. Disassembly of Rest components 12. Use a ` - ' driver to lift up the end-side of sub-window. Figure 5-12. Detaching sub-window. - 101 -

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