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Now downloading free:CANON gp605-04

CANON gp605-04 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Model:gp605-04 🔎 gp60504
Original:gp605-04 🔎
Descr: CANON Copiers GP 605 ServBull ServBullGP605 gp605-04.pdf
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : GP605 No.: GP605-004 Rev. 2 (FF-T01-K1-000011-03) DATE: 10.08.99 Location : ADF REVERSING FLAPPER Subject : PREVENTING ADF REVERSING FLAPPER FROM STAYING OPEN Reason : To communicate countermeasures to take by way of servicing the machine for the possibility of putting one's hand on the reversing flapper and allowing it to stay open while clearing a jam that has occurred in the ADF. Details : The user in the course of clearing a jam in the ADF tries to manually open the flapper at the lower part of the ADF, and finds oneself that the flapper stays open. In the course of clearing a jam at the lower part of the ADF, the lower guide cover indicates that it should be opened with the hands, but depending on how the user opens it, the flapper stays open. The reversing flapper has been extended with a change in the shape to prevent overriding the guide plate. (Fig. 1) Guide plate This part extended. [Old] [New] Fig. 1 -1/6- GP605-004 Rev. 2 Servicing : < Procedure for implementing countermeasures > 1) Remove the 2 binding screws at the bottom of the ADF. (Fig. 2) Screws Fig. 2 2) Remove the 1 screw from the right face of the ADF. (Fig. 3) Screw Fig. 3 3) Remove the 1 screw from the upper cover assembly, and remove the front cover (upper/lower). (Fig. 4) Screw

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