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Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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367 2-2-1 Paper misfeed detection When a paper misfeed occurs, the copier immediately stops copying and displays a message announcing the paper misfeed on the operation unit touch panel, indicating the location of the misfeed and shows how to remove the misfed paper. Paper misfeed counts sorted by the detection conditions can be checked by misfeed code in simulation 74. To remove paper misfed in the copier, open the cassette, paper feed cover or front cover. When paper is misfed in the RDH, open the RDH cover or the RDH eject cover to remove the misfed paper. To clear a misfeed in the feedshift and duplex sections, open the eject cover or draw duplex unit. To reset the paper misfeed detection, open and close the front, eject or paper feed cover to turn each safety switch off and on. To reset the paper misfeed detection, open and close the RDH cover, RDH reverse cover or RDH eject cover to turn each safety switch off and on. The detection of misfeeds in the feedshift and duplex sections can be reset by reinserting the duplex unit or opening and closing the eject cover to turn the eject cover safety switch off and on. 5 3 4 2 6 1 1 Paper feed section 2 Paper conveying section 3 Fixing and eject section 4 Feedshift and duplex sections (duplex unit) 5 RDH 6 Sorter Figure 2-2-1 Misfeed location indication 2-2-1 DC5090S/M(2-2MCE)# 1 10/31/97, 09:34 367 2-2-2 Paper misfeed detection conditions ( 1 ) Paper feed, conveying, fixing and eject sections ESW FCL1 RCL RSW FSW BYPCL FCL2 PFSW1 FCL3 P

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