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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 14GXP & 16GP Compatibility Summary v 1.0 - Abridged

IBM Deskstar 14GXP & 16GP Compatibility Summary v 1.0 - Abridged free download

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IBM storage products Compatibility report Deskstar 14GXP & 16GP ATA/IDE Models: DTTA-350320, 350430, 350640 DTTA-350840, 351010, 351290 DTTA-351350, 351680, 371010 DTTA-371290, 371440 DTTA-351680, 371010, 371290, Gateway G6-200 PII-200 Compatibility Gateway G6-300 PII-300 Gigabyte GA-686LX The IBM SIT Lab tests Deskstar drives for compatibility Gigabyte GA-586TX with a wide variety of systems, controller cards, and HP P5-200 operating systems. Testing was done to demonstrate HP P5-200 MMX compatibility with the following hardware and software. HP Pavillion P200 Other combinations of hardware and software may HP Vectra XW 6/200 M2GB P6-200 function with this drive, but were not tested. HP Kayak XU PII-200 Intel Atlanta 440LX PII-266 Systems and system boards Intel Venus P6-200 Intel Tucson P55C P5-200 MMX AST P6-150 Intel LT430TX Lonetree P5-200 ABIT IT5H P5-200MMX Intel PD440FX "Portland" ABIT PX5 P5-200MMX Micron 430TX P5-233 AOPEN AP5T-3 Cyrix P200+ Micron Millenia XKU Apple Performa 6400/180 Micron Powerdigm XSU PII-300 AST Bravo MS6266 PII-266 Microstar MS-5163 ASUS PL297-AGP PII-266 Mitac PH5400TX ASUS TX97 P5-200 MMX M-Tech "Mustang" R534M ASUS SP97V 6X86-P200 M-Tech MIG-R557 ASUS P55SP3AV P-150 Mycomp AI6NL Atrend ATC6120 PII-233 Mycomp TI5TT Chaintech 6LTM PII-266 Mycomp TI5VG Compaq Deskpro XL6150 P6-150 NEC Direction SPL266 Dell Dimension XPS P6-200 NEX Powermate Enterprise Dell Optiplex GXPRO P6-180 NEC PC-98NX Valustar PII-300 Digital PC 5500 6266M PII-266 NEX'R P5v580 P5-90 DFI 586ITX QDI P6-440LX PII-266 DFI G586VPS-Pro P-200

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