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Original:SB-2LZ-0007-C138 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-1120-1320-1370 SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2LZ-0007-C138.pdf
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(Page.1/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2LZ-0007 (C138) May 25, 2012 Subject Measures against Support Point Breakage of the HOLDER DU FS-1120D, FS-1300D, FS-1350DN, FS-1320D, FS-1370DN, Model FS-1028MFP, FS-1128MFP, FS-1030MFP, FS-1130MFP, FS-1035MFP, FS-1135MFP Topic The COVER DU at the front side needs to be opened when a duplex jam occurs. If the COVER DU is opened more than necessary while the machine is lifted up, the support point of the HOLDER DU ASSY connected with the COVER DU may be broken. Therefore, the following change was made. This does not occur with the COVER DU R at the rear side. Content of Changes The shape of the HOLDER DU was changed in order to limit the opening angle and to prevent damage to the support point. HOLDER DU ASSY support point 1) Open the COVER DU. is broken. (Shear stress [Machine rear side] generated when fully opened) 2) The HOLDER DU ASSY connected with the COVER DU is opened. HOLDER DU ASSY: Old New COVER DU (front side) New: Shape changed at 2 points and HOLDER DU ASSY: New HOLDER DU ASSY's opening angle Shape changed (x2) COVER DU R (rear side) limited Com pati- Old Part New Part Q'ty bi lity No. No. No. Description Remarks Old New Old New 302FM94060 302FM94061 PARTS HOLDER DU ASSY 1 1 1 X O 2FM94060 2FM94061 SP KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD) (Page.2/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2LZ-0007 (C138) May 25, 2012 KDC's Classification Entire Stock Rework

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