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Now downloading free:CANON acc-160

CANON acc-160 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 405 ServBull ServBullGP405 acc-160.pdf
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : Multi-Output Tray-D1 No.: Acc-160 (FF-T01-W-000068-01) DATE: 09.07.99 Location : FEEDER ASSEMBLY Subject : EXTRACTION OF FEEDER ASSEMBLY CONNECTOR (J357/J356) Reason : To communicate cautions to exercise during servicing since there are cases where the connector (J357/J356) which connects the feeder assembly multitray inlet sensor (PS20) and delivery sensor 2 (PS21) gets extracted during servicing. Details : There are cases where the connector (J357/J356) which connects the feeder assembly multitray inlet sensor (PS20) and delivery sensor 2 (PS21) gets extracted if the cable of the connector is pressed down with the fingers when the feeder assembly is handled during servicing. (Fig. 1) Connector (J357) If the cable is pressed down in the directions Cable Multitray inlet sensor (PS20) indicated by the arrows, the connector may become extracted. Connector (J356) Cable Delivery sensor 2 (PS21) Fig. 1 View from the top for the feeder assembly The connector (J357/J356) for the multitray inlet sensor (PS20) and delivery sensor 2 (PS21) was changed to another type for more tight fit in order to prevent easy extraction of the connector. -1/2- Acc-160 Servicing : When the feeder assembly is handled during servicing, do not press down on the cable of the connector (J357/J356) which connects the multitray inlet sensor (PS20) and delivery sensor 2 (PS21). Also, the way of holding the multitray 3/D1 when removing it from the packing box as shown in Fig. 2 is recommended. Fig. 2 Way of holding the multitray 3/D1 when removing it from the packing box

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