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Now downloading free:NOKIA NSE8-043

NOKIA NSE8-043 free download

Cell phone, GSM, Satellite phone - Nokia, Siemens, Samsung mobiles service manuals and repair information

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File name:NSE8-043.PDF
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Size:9 kB
Model:NSE8-043 🔎 NSE8043
Original:NSE8-043 🔎
Descr: NOKIA Mobile Phone Nokia_3210 NSE8-043.PDF
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name NSE8-043.PDF

CONFIDENTIAL 1 (2) Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-043/25.08.00 Technical Support, Europe & Africa NSE-8 NEW SERVICE SOFTWARE VERSION 311.01.00 New service software version 311.01.00 has been released for NSE-8 phones. Changes made from version 271.02.00 to version 311.01.00: - Updating MTC product verification feature removing blank lines and adding the last bytes of the GSM picture - Enable editing of the channel low and channel high thresholds in the TX power side channel tuning - Extra Games product profile has been added to the product profile dialog - Fixed Product Code and Basic Product Code checks in Production Data Edit dialog - Fixed TX I/Q Tuning so that Amplitude or Phase Difference cannot be tuned out of range - Band change works correctly during phone change - Added DSP init after TX I/Q tuning - Added "Add SIM" and "Clear SIM" buttons to Phone Identity dialog to allow manual entering of multi-index SIM-lock data - Added 6 digit dongle serial number support - Added hourglass to ADC Readings dialog during data reading - Error message added, if security code check fails in User Setting dialog - Removed Call Simulation from the menu - Added Product/Initialise/Communication menu selection. This can be used to set phone back to test mode without resetting phone - Faultlog scanning speeded up by optimising version check - More informative error messages added to Phone Identity dialog, also some validity checks added. File name is generated from IMEI when data is saved - Restore User Defaults corrected not to show market area, if corresponding Voice Mail Box is not present - Buzzer level maximum changed to 127 in Internal Audio Loops dialog - Software/Sleep Mode Test ... added for all products and all dongles - Added AFC and PSW slope value check to lower band of multi band phones - Improvement to dead phone flashing (dialogs became modeless during dead phone flashing) - Improvement to SCM Edit (caused earlier crashes with some SIMs) - Cancel button works also after flashing when phone communication could not be started - Improvement to PPM file reading (caused stack overflow with some PPM files) NSE-8 SB-043

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