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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Ericsson Mobile Phones ERICSSON CA638, CF688 CHAP6.PDF
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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LZB 115 2508 R1A Accessories Chapter 6 - Accessories Introduction This chapter describes the accessories used with the Ericsson Cellular Phones CA638 and CF688. Repair of accessories consists of swapping suspected bad units with new and sending the bad unit to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. Refer to Table 6-1 for a list of available accessories. NOTE Use of non-Ericsson accessories may void the warranty. Contact your regional ser- vice representative for details. Table 6-1. Accessories Accessory Name Model Number Economy NiCD Economy Slim NiMH Battery NM-6050 UltraSlim NiMH Battery NM-6100 High Performance NiMH Battery NM-6055 High Capacity NiMH Battery NM-6170 Standard Charger

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