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Now downloading free:CANON gpgen-24

CANON gpgen-24 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 405 ServBull ServBullGP405 gpgen-24.pdf
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SERVICE BULLETIN COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: NETWORK PRINTER BOARD-F1 No.: GP-GEN-024 (99-OIPD0-B0027) Date: 07.05.99 LOCATION: SYSTEM SOFTWARE/USER SOFTWARE SUBJECT: SYSTEM SOFTWARE V1.01A/USER SOFTWARE V1.01A/V1.01B System Software V1.01A and User Software V1.01A/V1.01B of Network Printer Board-F1 (GP-F1) were released. REASON Upgrade History of System Versions Service Bulletin Ver. No. Description System Soft. Defects modified. V1.01A User Soft. V1.01A/1.01B GP-GEN-017 Ver. 1.01 Added specifications and modified defects - Image Runner Support - The defect caused when multiple GP F1 exist on the same network by Auto Configuration was modified. - Boot ROM upgrade Ver. 1.00 New Release DETAILS 1. Here are the modifications in Network Printer Board-F1 System Software V1.01A as compared with V1.01. No. Item Description 1.1 Accented characters The defect that accented French and German characters used in text appeared as Kanji names are displayed in Kanji characters on copier LCD was modified. characters on the LCD panel 1.2 Very long Server names The defect that only Hold Queue appears in the Print Queue of Apple Talk if together with long Apple a server name of GP PS-F1 is long (e.g. 21 characters) in some languages Talk queue names in some (e.g. French) was modified. languages caused only the Hold queue being visible 1.3 System Version Number The version number was changed from V1.01 to V1.01A (LCD panel, Configuration Print and so forth). COPIER -2- GP-GEN-024 2. Here are the modifications in Network Printer Board-F1 User Software V1.01A as compared with V.1.01. No. Item Description 2.1 Some DLL files do not =NT4.0 PS Driver= support European cngp60ui.dll, cngp60um.dll

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