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Now downloading free:Sharp 51CS03H, 59CS03H, 66CS03H, 66CS05H, 51CS05H, 59CS05H, 59CSD8H, 66CSD8H

Sharp 51CS03H, 59CS03H, 66CS03H, 66CS05H, 51CS05H, 59CS05H, 59CSD8H, 66CSD8H free download

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File name:sharp service bulletins TV.pdf
[preview 51CS03H, 59CS03H, 66CS03H, 66CS05H, 51CS05H, 59CS05H, 59CSD8H, 66CSD8H]
Size:1897 kB
Model:51CS03H, 59CS03H, 66CS03H, 66CS05H, 51CS05H, 59CS05H, 59CSD8H, 66CSD8H 🔎
Original:CTV970201 🔎
Descr:Television Technical Bulletin (10/02/97) - - pag. 32
Group:Electronics > Documentation
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CTV970201 Date of Issue : Classification : 10/02/97 White Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS 51CS03H 66CS05H 59CS03H 51CS05H 66CS03H 59CS05H SYMPTOM The set remains in the standby mode. CAUSE ACTION Crack on the PWB due to transport damage. If there is no 300VDC across C708, then check the continuity between L703 and the cathode of D704. If this is open circuit, fit a wire link between the two points as indicated in the diagram below. Location of wire link on the component side of the PWB Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited CE Technical Support Group Originator White - Carry out as required $Y: Supervisor 3*- Approval Date 10/02/97 UK64601Y Red - Carry out on all units Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service CTV970202 Date of Issue : Classification : 10/02/97 Yellow Page 1 of 2 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS 51CS03H 59CS05H 51CS05H 66CS03H 59CS03H 66CS05H SYMPTOM If there is a failure of any component within the vertical deflection circuit or if a set comes in for service then carry out the improvement detailed below. ACTION 1. 2. 3. 4. Add a new diode ( 1N4148 ) from the emitter of Q509 to the cathode of D513, cathode of diode to the emitter of Q509. Replace R534 with a 390R. Solder a fuse ( QFS-J1023CEZZ ) in series with L607. Solder a fuse ( QFS-J1023CEZZ ) in series with L608. Refer to the diagrams given below. REF NO R534 DESCRIPTION Diode, 1N4148 Resistor, 390R 1/10W Fuse, 1A PART NUMBER RH-DX0045BMZZ VRS-TV1JD331J QFS-J1023CEZZ PRICE CODE AA AA AA Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited CE Technical Support Group Originator White - Carry out as required $Y: Supervisor 3*- Approval Date 10/02/97 SP64500X Red - Carry out on all units Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service CTV970203 Date of Issue : Classification : 10/02/97 Yellow Page 1 of 1 TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN MODELS 51CS03H 51CS05H 59CS03H 59CS05H 66CS03H SYMPTOM When used in a hot environment a bleeping sound may be heard from the speakers or there is intermittent sound loss. CAUSE ACTION Pin 22 of IC301 floating. Insert wire link between pin 22 of IC301 and ground as indicated in the diagram below. To make the insertion of this link easier remove X301, fit wire, then replace X301. REF NO DESCRIPTION Wire Link, 20mm PART NUMBER VW7UGB0-020AA PRICE CODE AA Location of wire link on component side of PWB Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited CE Technical Support Group Originator White - Carry out as required $Y: Supervisor 3*- Approval Date 10/02/97 GE64801X Red - Carry out on all units Yellow - Carry out as required and whenever unit comes in for service CTV980204 Month of Issue : February 1998 Classification : White TELEVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN Page 1 of 1 MODELS 51CS03H 59CS05H 66CS05H 51CS05H 59CSD8H 66CSD8H 59CS03H 66CS03H SYMPTOM Intermittent sound. May be especially noticeable on channel change. CAUSE ACTION Erratic response of the multi-standards processor, IC301. Connect

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