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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2K3-0009-B097 1

Kyocera SB-2K3-0009-B097 1 free download

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File name:SB-2K3-0009-B097_1.pdf
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Model:SB-2K3-0009-B097 1 🔎
Original:SB-2K3-0009-B097 1 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6025-6030MFP SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2K3-0009-B097_1.pdf
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(Revised Issue 1) (Page.1/3) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2K3-0009 (B097) August 4, 2011 Notes on Replacement of the Parts (Change of the FFC Subject Alignment Holder and the Sheet at the Optical Section) Model FS-6030MFP, FS-6025MFP, FS-6025MFP/B This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information. The Serial Numbers of the Affected Machines were added. Topic The change of the wire alignment holder and the additional sheet were informed as the measure against the image blurring at the trailing edge by the service bulletin SB-2K3-0003-B030. This time, as further measure, the following changes were made. Accordingly, some attention is required when replacing the parts. Please refer to [Field measure] below. (Also, please refer to the service bulletin SB-2K3-003-B030 for more details of the phenomenon, cause and previous measure.) Content of Changes In order to avoid the contact of the FFC with the upper part of the optical wire pulley, the shape of the wire alignment holder (No.1) and the sheet (No.2) was changed as follows. Additionally, the folded section of FFC is now wired in the new wire alignment holder. (Old state: Viewed from bottom of optical section) Old wire alignment FFC holder (No.1) FFC Old sheet (No.2) (New state) FFC New wire alignment holder (No.1) Carriage wire pulley New sheet (No.2) * Dotted line above shows outline of the folded section of FFC in the new wire alignment holder.) Com pati- Old Part New Part Q'ty bility No. No. No. Description

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