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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 22GXP Product Summary v4.0 - English

IBM Deskstar 22GXP Product Summary v4.0 - English free download

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File name Deskstar 22GXP Product Summary v4.0 - English.pdf

IBM storage products Product summary Deskstar 22GXP AT/IDE Models:DJNA-372200, DJNA-371800, DJNA-371350, DJNA-370910 Introducting Applications IBM's latest Deskstar drives are ideal for high- Y High performance Desktop personal computers performance desktop users. With capacities of up to Y Entry servers 22 GB and a rotational speed of 7200 RPM, users Y Entry workstations have access to the highest capacities and performance in the industry. Y Multimedia applications Y Video editing Features Benefits Y 9.1 GB, 13.5 GB, 18.0 GB & 22.0 GB formatted Y Range of capacities to meet the need for capacities increasing storage requirements Y Industry standard interface Y Popular interface with excellent performance Y PIO Mode 4 rates up to 16.6 MB/sec Y Ultra DMA/66 rates up to 66.6 MB/sec Y 139 - 224 Mb/sec media data transfer rate Y Excellent data rate across disk surface Y Rotational speed 7,200 RPM Y Average seek time 8.5 ms (read) Y Fast access to data Y Average latency 4.17 ms Y 1966 KB segmented sector buffer Y Fast access to data and improved throughput Y ECC on-the-fly Y High reliability Y Power saving modes Y Reduced power consumption Y S.M.A.R.T. function support Y Protection of user data Y Drive Fitness Test (DFT) technology Y Security function support Y Password protection for sensitive data Page 1 IBM Hard Disk Drive Technical Support Center version 4.0 IBM storage products voltage specification is applied at Connectors Jumper block the power connector of the drive. There is no special power on/off Jumper settings sequencing required. Pin 1 Pin A Power supply current I G E C A DJNA-372200, -371800

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