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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2J5-0015-B366

Kyocera SB-2J5-0015-B366 free download

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File name:SB-2J5-0015-B366.pdf
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Model:SB-2J5-0015-B366 🔎
Original:SB-2J5-0015-B366 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-6970 ServiceBulletins SB-2J5-0015-B366.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2J5-0015-B366.pdf

(Page.1/1) Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2J5-0015 (B366) November 14, 2011 Firmware Upgrade (Engine: ver.007.002) Subject FS-6970DN_05.00.0010_(2011-08-24) Model FS-6970DN Topic The firmware was upgraded as follows. Content of Changes No. Item Details CTL No. FW 1 Measures against the The toner low detection was changed according to the residual amount 575683 ENGINE erroneous display of since "Toner low" might be displayed right after toner container was "Toner low" message installed. (Indication of "Toner low" message is based on the count where the toner low is regularly detected. However, if the amount of residual toner inside the toner container is high, the count to show this message will be increased in order to stabilize the toner low detection.) The message "Replace toner" may appear if toner inside the developer unit is clustered on one side because of move of the machine or due to detachment/attachment of the developer unit for jam clearance even after the engine firmware was upgraded. In this case, however, the message can be cleared by closing the top cover after once opening it or turning the power OFF and ON. Check Current Program No. Ver. Status Date Remark SUM Ver. SYSTEM 2J5_3000005005 4c40 005.005 2011/8/24 - - ENGINE 2J5_1000007002 0b5f 007.002 2011/10/6 006.002 - New upgrade For the KM sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware to the latest version at the same time. KMC's Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit In-Field modification by case No modification necessary Field Measure: Please upgrade the firmware when the problem described above arises. Also, please explain your users the content of above. Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: Planned from the October 2011* production *The above is the plan at the present moment. Please no

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