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Hitachi Partitioning and Formatting Reference Guide v1.2 free download

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Partitioning and Formatting Guide Version 1.2 Date 05-15-2006 Partitioning and Formatting Guide This guide is designed to explain how to setup your drive with the correct partition and format for your operating system. This guide will go over partitioning and formatting drives in the following operating systems: Windows 2000/XP Install Page 03 Windows 2000/XP Disk Management Page 07 Macintosh OS X Page 11 Linux Page 15 Windows 9.x and DOS Page 18 Macintosh OS 8.x and 9.x Page 21 This guide makes the assumption that the drive is properly installed in the system and is being detected by the BIOS or controller card. If you need assistance installing a drive, please view our Installation Guides at the following URL: For further assistance you may also contact one of our Technical Support Centers: All information is provided by Hitachi Global Storage Technologies on an "AS IS" basis only. Hitachi makes no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, regarding the information, including the warranty of non-infringement and non-interference and the implied warranty or terms of merchantability, and fitness or use for a particular purpose. Use of information that is provided by Hitachi is at the recipient's own risk. Hitachi provides no assurances that any reported problems may be resolved with the use of any information that Hitachi provides. By furnishing information, Hitachi does not grant any licenses to any copyrights, trademarks, patents or any other intellectual property rights. Any trademarks and product or brand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Please consult your Hitachi product manuals for complete trademark information. Any references to third parties are provided as reference only and are not recommendations of any products by Hitachi GST. Hitachi GST makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these companies or products. Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 2 Windows 2000/XP hard drive setup during installation To begin the installation of Windows 2000 / XP, you will need to insert the bootable Windows CD into the CD drive. If you are installing from floppies, insert the first floppy into drive A:. Turn the system on. One of the first things you will see during the installation process is "Press F6 if you need to install addi

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