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Now downloading free:IBM Ultrastar 18LZX and 36ZX

IBM Ultrastar 18LZX and 36ZX free download

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File name IBM Ultrastar 18LZX and 36ZX.PDF

Superior performance, reliability, and capacity for workstation, subsystem, and PC and enterprise server applications IBM Ultrastar 18LZX and 36ZX hard disk drives To achieve maximum I/O performance, Outstanding environmentals Highlights these drives combine very fast seek times; Excellent environmental characteristics extra large, multisegmented buffers; a provide the industry's lowest power require- Capacities ranging from 9. (low 1 sophisticated new command queuing ments for 10,000 RPM disk drives. profile) to 36.7 GB, rotational system; hardware automation; and Exclusive enhanced power save and speeds at 10,000 RPM, and aver- industry-leading sustained data rates. A standby modes are triggered by read/ age seek times as fast as 4.9 ms new programmable write caching system, write inactivity to help minimize power use. provide exceptional performance. Cache Optimizer, further reduces data access time. Industry-leading server drives Support for advanced with giant magnetoresistive applications and interfaces IBM Ultrastar 10,000 RPM drives employ (GMR) advanced head technol- IBM Ultrastar drives provide the high data GMR head technology to increase areal ogy provide areal densities of throughput required by storage manage- density and performance. In addition, 3534 Mbits/sq. in. ment, Internet, multimedia, and other highly efficient No-ID* sector formatting data-intensive applications. IBM also enables more data to be stored per disk. Buffer sizes up to 8.0 MB help offers a comprehensive set of parallel provide outstanding perform- and serial host interfaces including ance, especially for large data Reliability leadership Ultra2 SCSI, Ultra160 SCSI, SSA, and transfers and other sequential To help ensure the maximum data Fibre-Channel. operations. protection possible, IBM Ultrastar drives

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