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IBM Deskstar XP (SCSI) Product Summary free download

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File name Deskstar XP (SCSI) Product Summary.pdf

IBM OEM Storage Products DPES-30540, DPES-30810, DPES-31080 IBM OEM has introduced a new range of disk drives for the desktop personal computer marketplace. Available in three popular capacity points with SCSI-2 FAST interface, the drives provide excellent performance and improved reliability. APPLICATIONS Desktop personal computers Low end file servers Low end workstations FEATURES 540, 810 and 1080 MB formatted capacities (512 byte/sector) 10 MB/s data transfer speed 55.1 MB/s (OD) media data rate 39.8 MB/s (ID) media data rate No sector ID format Average seek time 10.5 ms (Read) 5400 RPM 448 KB sector buffer with adaptive segment length Read ahead caching with LRU segment update Industry standard mounting The drive can be counted with any of its six surfaces facing down Enhanced ECC implementation Power saving modes Robust design for EMC/FRI MR (Magneto Resistive) head technology BENEFITS-- Generic range of popular storage capacity Fast interface data rate Excellent performance on long records Fast access to data Fast data retrieval in single and multi-tasking applications Ease of installation Improved data throughput Reduced power consumption Easy integration across multiple platforms High area density, low component count Assured reliability CONNECTORS Pin 1 SCSI I/F Power Connector Connector Pin 2 Power Connector JP7 Option Block JP1 Back Side of Drive SCSI I/F Connector Logic Card The DC power connector is designed to mate with AMP part 1-480424 (using AMP pins P/N 350078-4). Equivalent connectors may be used. Pin assignments are shown below, as viewed from the end of the drive. Pin# 1 2 3 4 +5V GND GND +12V SCSI SIGNAL CONNECTOR The SCSI Signal Connector is a 50 pin connector meeting the ANSI SCSI specification Note: It is intended that the hard disk drive should only be in electrical contact with the chassis of the PC at a designated set of mounting holes. Other electrical contact may degrade error rate performance. As a result of this it is recommended that there should be no metal contact to the hard disk drive except at the mounting holes or the side rails into which the mounting holes are tapped. OPTION BLOCK Jumper Setting Jumper position and function are as shown below. Pin pitch is 2 mm. The jumpers control SCSI Device ID, Auto Spin Up, Unit Attention, SCSI Terminator Connection, and Target Initiated Synchronous Negotiation. Disable Disable Unit TI Device

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