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File name rca_trans_vista_100_tv_chassis_ctc49_color_1970-1.pdf

Technical Manual The CTC 49 Color Chassis Trans Vista 100 Technical Manual The CTC 49 Color Chassis Prepared By Copyright © 1970 by RCA Sales Corporation RCA Sales Corporation All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright A Subsidiary of RCA Corporation may be reproduced or utilized in any form without written permission from copyright owner. Product Performance--Technical Training 600 North Sherman Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 Price $4.50 First Edition 7032 Trademark(s) , ARegistered Marca(s) Registrada(s) Punted in U.S A. · " "ell· - 4, 4re* e · CONTENTS General Description 1 RF and IF System 7 The Video System 15 Horizontal Deflection 27 Vertical Deflection 35 First- Level Maintenance 43 Shop- Level Maintenance 57 1 FOREWORD The CTC 49 chassis represents the first of a " new breed" of RCA all-solid-state color television receivers. This is particularly true from the standpoint of servicing. The extensive use of plug-in circuit modules, eleven in all, a tuner which may be exchanged without the need for realignment of the coupling circuit to the IF amplifier, a solid-state high-voltage quadrupler, which essentially is another module, and the use of plug-in transistors makes it possible to correct most failures with very little servicing effort. In the preparation of this manual less than the usual space was devoted to circuit description for three reasons. First, some of the circuitry bears a close resemblance to earlier RCA chassis. This is true of the tuner, AFT, and horizontal deflection system, which are similar to their counterparts in either the CTC 40 or CTC 47 chassis; and the sound module which is almost identical to the one used in the CTC 41, 42, and 43 chassis. Second, integrated circuits are used in the IF and chroma circuits, and a stage- by-stage analysis of these systems has little value to the service technician, since many active devices are packaged in a single unit. Third, since most repairs can be accomplished most readily by module replacement, rather than by replacement of a single component, an intimate knowledge of the function of each part in a module is not essential to the technician. Complete schematic diagrams of the various circuits were used instead of partial or simplified diagrams. This will allow the technician to identify all components of a particular circuit without traci

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