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Now downloading free:RCA CTC Argosy 59

RCA CTC Argosy 59 free download

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File name:rca_argosy_ctc_59_tv_chassis.pdf
Size:312 kB
Model:CTC Argosy 59 🔎
Descr:TV set. From Electronic and Technician Dealer 1972.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name rca_argosy_ctc_59_tv_chassis.pdf

ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN/ DEALER NOVEMBER 1972 TEKLAB REPORT RCA's Argosy Model ER475 Portable Color -TV Set by Joseph Zauhar The solid-state modular construction of this chassis practically revolutionizes manufacturer's sery cing In 1968 RCA introduced the with many updated features, which CTC40 color -TV chassis which was included the high -voltage quadrupler their first solid-state TV set, using and motorless remote VOLUME, TINT only a high -voltage rectifier tube in and COLOR controls carried over addition to the CRT. Next came the from the CTC47 chassis. The CTC47 chassis which was released CTC49 chassis is a natural out- in 1969. This TV -chassis retained growth of these predecessors. most of the circuits used in the The Argosy Model ER475W, CTC40 with several significant employing the CTC59 chassis, sent tuned to us for review is very similar in VHF tuner and solid-state high -volt- concept and physical appearance to age rectification, using a voltage the very familiar CTC49 chassis. quadrupler. This 100 -percent solid-state chassis The CTC44 chassis represented employs 12 plug-in boards that are the third generation of their solid- compatible with those used in either state color -TV receivers, including the CTC49 or the CTC46 chassis. some of the basic circuit designs car- An ultra -rectangular, 110° deflec- ried over from the CTC40 chassis tion picture tube (19BLP22) is The Argosi, Model ER475, employing the CTC59 chassis, is continued as RCA's to,-0fthe-line, all r - solid -state portable color -TV set. mew NOVEMBER 1972, ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN/DEALER 39 used to provide a 19 -in (measured diagonally) screen size. When unpacking the TV set, we were quite impressed with its cabi- net. Not only is it made of nicely styled high -impact

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