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RCA 24F512T free download

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File name:M134.pdf
[preview 24F512T]
Size:696 kB
Model:24F512T 🔎
Original:M134 🔎
Descr:24F512T 24F511T 27F520T 27F620T 27V512T 27V513T 27V520T
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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ALIGNMENTS Operating Conditions Unless otherwise noted, the following conditions must be observed when aligning this chassis: Chassis must be operated from a 120VAC isolation transformer, with line voltage set to 120VAC (±2.0V). Picture controls (color, brightness etc.) must be set to midrange. Procedures must be performed in the sequence given. A 10X probe must be used for oscilloscope and frequency measurements. The audio output leads must not be shorted together or to ground with the chassis on. All video signals must have -40 IRE sync tips unless specified otherwise. Chassis AC power must be removed for 10 seconds before disconnecting any cable. A 3-minute warm-up is required for chassis or module related alignments. A 15-minute warm-up is required for Kine related alignments. Required Test Equipment - Dual-Trace Oscilloscope - Digital Voltmeter - Frequency Counter - Audio Signal Generator - NTSC Signal Generator (B&K 1249, or equivalent) - MTS Signal Generator (B&K 2009, or equivalent) - Sweep/Marker Generator (or Standard Signal Generator) - DC Power Supply (5.0V/0.25A) for TAG001 Entering the Service mode 1. Enter the service mode (S-Mode) by pressing the VOLUME DOWN key on the instrument until the volume decreases to minimum. 2. Press the INFO key on the remote handset while holding the VOLUME DOWN key on the instrument. 3. Press the PROGRAM UP/DOWN buttons to select the different adjustments under the first menu and press the VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the setting (value). 5. Press the OK button to toggle into the Main Menu selection mode and select the different Main menu sections using the PROGRAM UP/DOWN buttons. Press the OK button again to toggle back into the value adjustment mode. 6. Menus up to menu 19 can be selected directly using the remote control by pressing digital buttons 1~9, 0, notebook, CAP, Display, Sleep, Calendar, System/INS, Favourite, Return and Picture. 7. Press the Sound button to save the new settings and exit the service mode. Note: Many factory alignments appear in the menus but only the ones listed here can be changed. The values can be accessed and the value (hex number) on the screen can be changed but the actual value the instrument is using cannot be changed except at the factory using special equipment. The following is a list of all the menus and a description of the individual adjustments under each Main menu that can be changed. Only the following menu items can actually be adjusted. ALIGNMENTS (Continued) B+ Adjustment 1. Tune the instrument to receive a crosshatch signal. 2. Set the Preset Picture Mode to normal. 3. Adjust VR802 for 130Vdc +/- 0.5V at C422+ (B+). RF AGC Adjustment The RF AGC has been preset at the time of manufacture for optimum operation over a wide range of RF signal input conditions. Readjustment should not be required unless the tuner has been repaired or unusual signal conditions exist such as: a. Cable TV--adjacent channel interference. b. Picture bending and/or channel

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30-11-2011dragonlair1No schematics, no "trouble shooting guide, no help
08-12-2009klaclio8thanks very good diagrams

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