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Hasselblad 903swc free download

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Size:652 kB
Model:903swc 🔎
Original:Revision 0 (January 2001) 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Victor Hasselblad AB - pag. 20
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo
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Service Manual COPYRIGHT ' 2000 ANDERS ENGSTR M ANDERS ENGSTR M, ILLUSTRAT R stra v gen 46 430 91 H N tel/fax 031- 96 84 64 [email protected] 903SWCOM.EPS 001027 January 2001 Victor Hasselblad AB Göteborg Sweden Copyright © 2001 by Victor Hasselblad AB. All rights reserved. No parts of this material may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Company. Contents list 903SWC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General description Tools Disassembly Reassembly Exploded view: Shell Exploded view: Mechanism plate Exploded view: Viewfinder SWC Revision 0 January 2001 Related Service Infos 903SWC 12/96 05/97 20/97 04/01 Tripod foot adapter/kits New tripod foot New camera shell New CD-ROM - Version 2.0 Revision 0 January 2001 1 903SWC Camera type: General description Mechanical wide-angle camera with a permanently attached 38 mm Biogon lens, and detachable optical viewfinder and optional interchangeable film magazines. 6x6 cm and 6x4.5 cm with different magazines; 120 and 220 with roll films, 70 mm perforated long rolls and Polaroid film with different magazines. Zeiss Biogon CF 4.5/38 mm T*. True wide-angle lens with 91º diagonal (72º horizontal) angle of view and Ø60 front bayonet mount. Detachable optical viewfinder with built-in spirit level and built-in magnifier for reading lens scales through the viewfinder. Focusing range of lens: 0.3 m to infinity. Depth-of-field range: 3 m to infinity at f/4.5 and 0.65 m to infinity at f/22. Leaf shutter in lens, 1-1/500 s and flash synchronisation at all shutter speeds. Simultaneous manual shutter winding and film advance. Foldable winding crank. One-piece cast aluminium alloy shell with 1/4" and 3/8" threads and plate for Tripod quick-coupling attachment. The 903SWC accepts all film magazines in the Hasselblad system. The Biogon lens will accept Ø60 filters and Softars as well as lens shades, fixed or professional. Camera body with lens and film magazine A12 (LxWxH): 147x112x153 mm (5.8"x4.4"x6.0"). Camera body with lens and film magazine A12: 1340 g (2 lb 15 oz.) Film format and film choices: Lens: Viewfinder: Focusing: Shutter: Film advance: Camera body: System compatibility: Dimensions: Weight: Revision 0 January 2001 2 903SWC Tool No. 902 894 Description Focusing gauge SWC Used for Focus the Biogon lens in the same way as other Hasselblad lenses. Can be used with all horizontal collimators. Tools 109950 0747 000 Biogon adapter for V-2223 Adaption between the shutter function gauge V-2223 and the Biogon lens. The shutter can consequently be repaired and the lens can be completed before the assembly to the camera body. Wrench Wrench Wrench Engraved ring Front lens group Rear lens group 102165 0000 901 104867 8005 906 104117 0064 903 Additional tools for the lens shutter, please see the Service Manual CF lenses. Revision 0 January 2001

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