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Now downloading free:Hasselblad 203FE, 205FCC, 205TCC

Hasselblad 203FE, 205FCC, 205TCC free download

Digital and analogue photo cameras service manuals, repair guides and schematics

File information:
Size:1243 kB
Model:203FE, 205FCC, 205TCC 🔎
Original:Revision 0 (May 1997) 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Victor Hasselblad AB - pag. 55
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo
Multipart:No multipart

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File name 203-205.PDF

203FOMSL.EPS 203FE, omslag Service Manual SVART 960130 May 1997 Victor Hasselblad AB Göteborg Sweden Copyright © 1997 by Victor Hasselblad AB. All rights reserved. No parts of this material may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or ANDERS ENGSTRÖM otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Company. COPYRIGHT © 1996 ANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46 430 91 HÖNÖ TEL/FAX 031- 96 84 64 Contents list Camera body 203FE - 205FCC - 205TCC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Revision 0 General description Specifications Checks & Adjustments Tools & ServiceTest System Exploded view: Shell Exploded view: Control panel, mechanics Exploded view: Control panel, electronics Exploded view: Display flex and main circuit board Exploded view: Contact flex and transport mechanism plate Exploded view: Transport mechanism plate Exploded view: Front bayonet plate Exploded view: Curtains and rear plate Exploded view: Mirror assembly Exploded view: Display prism and fucusing screen Exploded view: Chassis Exploded view: Reflection protectors Exploded view: Bottom mechanism plate, mechanics Exploded view: Bottom mechanism plate, brakes Exploded view: Bottom mechanism plate, electronics Exploded view: Spring housing Exploded view: Winding crank Exploded view: Winding crank - modified from May 1997 May 1997 Related Service Infos 203FE - 205FCC - 205TCC 03/92 05/92 04/93 05/93 12/93 13/93 21/93 09/94 10/94 03/95 05/95 14/95 19/95 24/95 28/95 01/96 03/96 12/96 04/97 13/98 08/99 13/99 01/00 Revision 3 1. New Service Manual Service Manual 205TCC System Components Some more hand tools are now available The release button and buffer have recently been modified - 205TCC Just for your information Hasselblad 205TCC Camera body 205TCC and Magazine TCC The control panel has recently been redesigned - 205TCC New camera body - 203FE New tool - Support 904020 New tripod foot - 203FE Mirror and focusing screen adjustment 200 series cameras New camera body - 205FCC Incorrect spare part number - 205TCC New tool - Adapter 904759 Contact flex modified - 203FE Driving arm failed to latch - 203FE and 205FCC Tripod foot adapter/kits Light seal foil modified - 200 series cameras New Service Manual - 203FE, 205FCC and 205TCC New control panel - 205TCC Modified parts - 200 series cameras New CD-ROM - Version 1.2 January 2001 Related Service Infos 203FE - 205FCC - 205TCC 14/00 01/01 04/01 2. Discontinued parts - 200 series cameras Modified magazine hook - 203FE and 205FCC New CD-ROM - Version 2.0 Revision 0 January 2001 General description 1:1 Camera body 203FE - 205FCC - 205TCC Design: Medium format single reflex camera with built-in TTL selective meter electronically connected to FE lenses and E magazines. Interchangeable lenses, film magazines, viewfinders and focusing screens. Shutter: (203FE/205FCC) Electronically co

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