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Now downloading free:Vestel DVD-6000

Vestel DVD-6000 free download

DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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File name:Vestel DVD-6000.pdf
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Size:235 kB
Model:DVD-6000 🔎 DVD6000
Descr:DVD-Player service manual 19 pages
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Vestel DVD-6000.pdf

DVD6000 DVD PLAYER SERVICE MANUAL 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 ZR36768 The ZR36768 Disc Loader Controller and Decoder Device can control disc loaders and read bitstreams using the following media: DVD-ROM, DVDRW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R and CD-R/W discs. The device can decode bitstreams and process navigation data of the following formats: DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, CD-DA, VCD (Video-CD), SVCD (Super Video-CD) and MP3. The features of this chip can be listed as follows: Disc loader control and bitstream processing · · 8 analog inputs (low frequency) for servo errors and RF signals envelope monitoring 11 actuators drive or control outputs. Two analog outputs through 11 bits DACs (e.g. for the tracking and focus coils), and 9 PWM outputs divided into two type groups: High frequency, "uniform" type PWMs (e.g. for the spindle and sled motor drives), and lower frequency "regular" type PWMs, which can be used e.g. for programmed tray motion or RF amplifier parameter setting. Processing of spindle and sled position read-back devices All servo loop closure, closed loop control and error handling. Bitstream extraction using AGC, bit clock frequency detection and phase lock loop, adaptive threshold calculations, Viterbi bit decision, defect detection, frame sync detection and EFM/P conversion. CD sub-code extraction and processing. CD ECC for all CD types. CD EDC for Mode 1 discs DVD ECC and EDC. Track buffer and re-try management · · · · · · · Decoding · · · · · · · · · Single chip solution for playback of DVD-Video, DVD-Audio Video-CD, Super Video-CD, CDDA, and MP3 from CD-ROM, CD-R or CD-R/W. Decoding and display of high resolution MPEG 1 and MPEG 2 still image sequences (including ASVs from DVD-Audio but without the transition effects). Decoding of Dolby AC-3, DTS or MLP multi-channel audio. Decoding of MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 layer II mono, stereo, or multi-channel audio. Decoding of MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 Layer 3 (MP3) mono and stereo audio. PCM and LPCM audio playback from DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, Video-CD and CD-DA. Decoding and playback of sub-picture (including Highlight), and closed captions ("line 21") data from DVD-Video discs. Interlaced digital and analog video output or progressive analog video output. NTSC and PAL standards. PAL playback of NTSC discs and NTSC playback of PAL discs. Special modes support like pause, slow motion, fast forward and reverse. Post Processing · · · · · Audio down mixing, sample rate conversion, Dolby's pro-logic and 3D enhancement. Karaoke mixing of decoded audio and two channels of input audio. On-chip OSD engine with 32 color (24-bit YUV) palette, up to 8 levels of transparency; and capability of blinking regions and vertical scrolling. On-screen and off-screen OSD memory regions for animation support. 1/4 pixel and 1/4 line pan&scan 2 · · · · · Horizontal and vertical up- and down-scaling with polyphase two-tap vertical and horizontal interpolation. Letterbox and Pan-scan display aspect ratio conversion (16:9 to 4:3) Automatic f

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