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Now downloading free:Relisys TE555

Relisys TE555 free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:TE555.rar
[preview TE555]
Size:252 kB
Model:TE555 🔎
Descr:Is a generic model. Several OEM versions with same board but cosmetics changes includes: Fujitsu AIMC-1528 Sampo KM511
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:4
File name Relisys%20TE555%20Sampo%20KM511%20[1].pdf

SERVICE MANUAL MODEL No : TE555 REV No. : 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Brief Specification...A-1 ~ A-2 B. Important Servicing Precautions...B-1 C. Location of Controls...C-1 D. Circuit Description...D-1 ~ D-2 E. General Adjustment...E-1 F. Factory mode adjustment...F-1 G. Block Diagram...G-1 ~ G-4 H. Trouble Shooting Guide...H-1 ~ H-5 I. Parts List...I-1 ~ I-7 A. SPECIFICATIONS: 1. SCREEN 15", 0.27mm, Filter Glass 2. POWER SOURCE 120V 60Hz 220V 50Hz 3. POWER CONSUMPTION Max. < 75W 4. INPUT SIGNAL VIDEO Analog R. G. B. : 0.7Vpp (positive) SYNC TTL level, H, V separate, positive or negative polarity. 5. INTERFACE 15 Pin D type connector 6. RESOLUTION 1024 X 768 pixels (Non-interlace) 7. RECOMMENDED TIMING CHART A B D C E F (Video) G H I (Sync.) Item Description: A Total time B Active display area including borders C Active display area excluding borders D Left/Top border E Right/bottom border F Blanking time G Frontporch H Sync-width I Backporch A-1 Mode No. VGA VGA VESA VESA VESA VESA 31.5K 31.5K 37.9K 46.9K 48.4K 53.6K H-Resolution [px] 720 640 800 800 1024 800 V-Resolution [Lines] 400 480 600 600 768 600 Pixelclock [MHz] 28.322 25.175 40.000
File name Relisys%20TE555%20Sampo%20KM511%20[2].pdf

File name TE555%20Sync%20input.pdf

File name TE555%20video%20lead.pdf

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

01-04-2007AVERSIPUEDES10By the way if you have chips from Phillips (TDAxxxx) you have a TE555G board. This diagram will not help you.

Average rating for this file: 10.00 ( from 1 votes)

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