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Contains items that require NonDisclosureAgreement "SIMPLY COMPLETE" Presented by: E. Arnold & P. Schepers TV System Design, ICE, Eindhoven © Philips Electronics N.V. 2003 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The presented information does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Diagrams in this presentation are intended to explain the functional behavior of a TV receiver with UOC-III "Hercules" concept, not necessarily in accordance with the actual IC implementation. Start this presentation with a mouse-click & read the "Notes Pages" ? File: Herc_1.ppt = Introduction, v1.2 29-09-2003 by E.Arnold Philips Semiconductors Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-1 Introducing UOC-III " HERCules " : RESTRICTED, contains NDA items 1. Objectives of this course 2. Introduction: · Market positioning of Hercules · Sub-division of low- and mid-end TV market · Family overview 3. Block diagrams 4. Intake open questions Philips Semiconductors Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-2 UOC-III " Hercules " TV course, part 1: RESTRICTED, contains NDA items 5. 6. The Guard Ring approach Application aspects: · Do's and don'ts with TDA110xx · System Example: Global TV Receiver 7. Answering questions Philips Semiconductors Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-3 UOC-III " Hercules " TV course, part 2: RESTRICTED, contains NDA items From Idea to Product: Hamburg Nijmegen Application IC design !! $$$ Spec & ApNote Emulator Debugger Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-5 GTV IPM Nijmegen + Shanghai Development Herc !? ?! ? TVSD ICE Eindhoven System Architecture & Definition I2C Reference HW Training TV System architecture PC menu I2C driver GTV platform SW libraries TVSD (HW) + SDCE (SW) Innovation Center Eindhoven Philips Semiconductors RESTRICTED, contains NDA items Technical support: TV Proc. : Nijmegen IC application TV system, EMC Software Sound DSP I.P. RSO µP + Emulator: Hamburg RSO Ref. Designs, EMC: Eindhoven Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-6 IPM/RSO RSO GTV + Business Partners: Eindhoven+Southampton Hamburg Philips Semiconductors RESTRICTED, contains NDA items Objectives: · Faster design-in cycle = higher efficiency for all · Make information easier accessible for all levels of experience (engineers, software writers, QA) · Share I.C. & system application information · Share layout & EMC experience · STANDARD solutions (libraries, basic cell, IP-blocks) Mainstream Tv Solutions - 10-2003 ­ UOC-III presentation 1-7 Philips Semiconductors' approa

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