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Now downloading free:PHILIPS TDA12xxx

PHILIPS TDA12xxx free download

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File name:pinningSSDIP90V2.pdf
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Model:TDA12xxx 🔎
Descr:UOCIII “Hercules” Version: 1.1 date: 12-12-2003 Pinning SPECIFICATION SSDIP90 A. SE. (V2) pls need manual service of PM5518 Pm54185 or shemas
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File name pinningSSDIP90V2.pdf

HERCULES SSDIP90 Pinning (V2) SPECIFICATION Version: 1.1 date: 12-12-2003 A. SE. "STANDARD" VERSION MONO+ AV STEREO SSDIP90 "FACE DOWN" VERSION MONO+ AV STEREO SSDIP90 STEREO + AV STEREO QFP128 AV STEREO QFP128 FULL-STEREO/ FULL-STEREO/ STEREO + SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MONO MONO VSSP2 VSSC4 VDDC4 VDDA3(3.3V) VREF_POS_LSL VREF_NEG_LSL+HPL VREF_POS_LSR+HPR VREF_NEG_HPL+HPR VREF_POS_HPR XTALIN XTALOUT VSSA1 VGUARD/SWIO DECDIG VP1 PH2LF PH1LF GND1 SECPLL DECBG EWD/AVL (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 1 3 16 16 17 16 17 16 18 19 20 78 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 75 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 90 90 88 75 75 74 75 74 75 73 72 71 13 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 16 ground ground digital supply to SDACs (1.8V) supply (3.3 V) positive reference voltage SDAC (3.3 V) negative reference voltage SDAC (0 V) positive reference voltage SDAC (3.3 V) negative reference voltage SDAC (0 V) positive reference voltage SDAC (3.3 V) crystal oscillator input crystal oscillator output ground V-guard input / I/O switch (e.g. 4 mA current sinking capability for direct drive of LEDs) decoupling digital supply 1st supply voltage TV-processor (+5 V) phase-2 filter phase-1 filter ground 1 for TV-processor SECAM PLL decoupling bandgap decoupling East-West drive output or AVL capacitor VDRB VDRA VIFIN1 VIFIN2 VSC IREF GNDIF SIFIN1/DVBIN1 (2) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 77 76 28 29 30 31 32 33 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 14 15 63 62 61 60 59 58 vertical drive B output vertical drive A output IF input 1 IF input 2 vertical sawtooth capacitor reference current input ground connection for IF amplifier SIF input 1 / DVB input 1 SIFIN2/DVBIN2 (2) 30 34 99 57 SIF input 2 / DVB input 2 AGCOUT EHTO 31 32 35 74 98 97 56 17 tuner AGC output EHT/overvoltage protection input "STANDARD" VERSION MONO+ AV STEREO SSDIP90 "FACE DOWN" VERSION MONO+ AV STEREO SSDIP90 STEREO + AV STEREO QFP128 AV STEREO QFP128 FULL-STEREO/ FULL-STEREO/ STEREO + SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MONO MONO AVL/SWO/SSIF/ REFO/ REFIN (2) 33 44 96 47 Automatic Volume Levelling / switch output / sound IF input / subcarrier reference output / external reference signal input for I signal mixer for DVB operation audio 5 input audio-5 input (left signal) audio-5 input (right signal) audio output for SCART/CINCH (left signal) audio output for SCART/CINCH (right signal) decoupling sound demodulator QSS intercarrier output / AM output / deemphasis (front-end audio out) ground 2 for TV processor IF-PLL loop filter AGC sound IF / internal-external AGC for DVB applications Digital Video Broadcast output / IF video output / FM radio output Digital Video Broadcast output / FM radio output AUDIOIN5 AUDIOIN5L AUDIOIN5R AUDOUTSL AUDOUTSR DECSDEM QSSO/AMOUT/AUDEEM (2) 34 35 36 37 38 39 36/37 38 -/64 -/36 95 94 93 92 91 90 55/54 53 -/27 -/55 GND2 PLLIF SIFAGC/DVBAGC (2) 40 41 42 39 40 41 89 88 87 52 51 50 DVBO/IFVO/FMRO (2) 43

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