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Sony KP-57XBR10W, KP-65XBR10W free download

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File name:bulletin_TVP0531_®_.part2.rar
Size:1306 kB
Model:KP-57XBR10W, KP-65XBR10W 🔎
Original:Subject: Improved Service Adjustment Procedure For The RA-4W Chassis Models 🔎
Descr:Solution: Procedure to Improved picture Quality - (Tot File 2.772Kb - Part 2/2) pag. 14
Group:Electronics > Documentation
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File name TVP0531.pdf

S Sony Service Company National Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 CONFIDENTIAL Service Bulletin TV Products No. CSV-1 Model: KP-57XBR10W, KP-65XBR10W 531 Subject: Improved Service Adjustment Procedure For The RA-4W Chassis Models Solution: (1330) Date: April 27, 2001 Procedure to Improved picture Quality The procedures below should be followed if the customer is complaining of poor picture quality. Although these procedures were written for the RA-4W chassis they can also be applied to the RA-3 & RA-4 chassis in most cases. Note: 1. Test equipment required: Pattern Generator (with component (Y, Pb, Pr) outputs) Ex. Leader 408 or Quantum Data 801GG Important Notes: · Pre-Aging of the TV: Age the TV set before attempting to adjust the set (especially focus) by one of the recommended amounts below. Aging Conditions: Apply an all white signal 100-IRE, minimum 30 min to a maximum of 1 hr. (over an hour, causes the CRTs to heat past the optimum adjustment point), OR TV signal (with moving picture) minimum 2 hrs (no maximum time applies). If this method of aging is used, be sure to coordinate with the customer/dealer beforehand so that the set is ready upon your arrival. Use Vivid picture mode setting on TV. Order of Adjustments: Please follow the order of adjustments as stated in this document. This will maximize results while minimizing readjustment. Confirmation / Adjustment Method: This procedure first instructs the technician to confirm whether an adjustment is necessary. The technician should only perform the adjustment if the confirmation indicates that it is required. Method on how to Turn Off the CRTs: To perform some adjustments, it will be necessary to turn off the CRTs, which can be done in the Service mode by doing the following: Select adjustment category "MCP1", adjustment item # 07 "RON", #08 "GON", or #09 "BON". The applicable CRT is on when its data is "01", and off when its data is "00". Accessing the internal generator through the service mode. Select Category PJE MODE using the 2 or 5 remote button. Repeated pressing of the remote button #6 will allow you to cycle through the crosshatch, dots, and white signal video pattern. · · · · Continue on next page Reference: PJ Eng. PRINTED IN USA TV Products Service Bulletin No. 531 Service data adjustment to Improve Edge Enhancement in NTSC mode: Change the Service data in both categories MCP4 and MCP5. (Categories) The adjustment item "SYS" data should be changed from 2 to 1 in both TV and Video modes. Write the new Service data settings. Screen Adjustment G-2/ Sub-bright adjustment: Equipment required: Darkened Room and/or a heavy blanket to cover the set. Signal Applied/Input: Select Video 1 input / No signal applied Adjust points: G2 (Screen Controls) VRs for RGB and Sub-Brightness register Conditions: Darken Room preferred. If not possible, a blanket must cover the front of the screen. · Standard Picture Mode (reset

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